"Woww!! It so cute! But why you didn't include me?!" Thena said in sulking voice and she slapped our hand.

"Ouch! It hurts! This is just a new tattoo. You such an b!tch!" Nics shouted. Thea giggled and peace sign.

"You're so mean Athena. Does it still hurt, babe?" Stev said. He hold Nics's hand and he also glared at Athena.

"She's just O. A.! I also hit Stel's hand but she didn't protested or shouted. That's we called O. A.!" Thena said. She rolled her eyes before she smile at me.

"I noticed it too. Ella, it doesn't hurt? Why you didn't shout when Athena hit your hand?" Ryan asked in confuse tone. He looked and hold my hand.

"Ahm... It doesn't hurt anymore. It just hurts yesterday. As in super hurt." I said with a smile.

"Yeah... It obvious Tella... Tsk tsk tsk..." Rence said in sarcastic tone while he's shooking his head and smiling at me.

"HAHAHA... I'm so sorry..." I said and laughed at him. I also messed up his hair.

"That's what you get when you didn't listen to me... Tsk tsk tsk..." Rence said and he shook his head again.

"I'm really sorry." I said with a smile. I putted my arm on his shoulder.

"Why?" Shaun said with a smile.

"What did Ella do?" Stev asked with a smile too.

"Nothing HAHA... Actually, she just pinched, punched and hitted me plus she slapped me. That's all..." Rence said in sarcastic tone and laughed. We laughed too.

"OMG! She really did that?" Thena asked while she's laughing.

"Yeap. She did... She really did. HAHAHA... And also, She shouted 'It's hurt! Oh shocks! Stop it! Stop!' Then if tattoo artist stopped she will asked him 'Why did you stop? Continue. I will pay on this so do your job.' HAHAHA... That's why the tattoo artist is very very confuse on her." Rence said in a happy tone. We all laughed together.

"HAHAHA...You so LT, Ella!" Shaun said and he laughed again.

"If I were the tattoo artist I would kick you out of my shop." Stev said. Oh! That's so harsh...

"You're so harsh on me..." I said and pouted. They laughed and they messed up my hair.

"HAHAHA... Sorry but You're very confusing in that part. You're like drunk person..." Stev said. I hitted him. But he just laughed at me.

"You're so bully, Steven..." Thena said to Stev.

"Wait, gaiz... I noticed something or should I say someone is not happy." Ryan said and he looked at Nics that's why we looked at Nics too. Nics laughed.

"Not happy? HAHAHA... I'm happy! You just not notice it because all of you are too fucos on stel. I mean because you're bullying her." Nics said and she laughed again.

"Okay! Okay! Let's continue!" Stev shouted in a happy tone. Weird. There's something wrong on Nics or maybe i'm just paranoid. Urgh! Nevermind.

We keep talking about random things. They still bullying me. We laughed together and teasing each other.


This past few days I've been busy in my practice. I'm preparing for audition in Dance Club. I want to be part of it. That's my Parents's dream for me.

According to Auntie Shany, my mother is famous designer and my dad is attourney. They also a dancer and they want me to be a dancer too someday.

I was about to enter in Dance Room when someone held my hand. It's... Nics. I smile at her.

"Nics!" I said with a smile. She smile at me.

"Are you going to audition?" Nics asked. I smile and nodded.

"Can we talk? Just a minute." She said.

"Sure..." I said. We went to campus's garden. She sighed before she say something.

"I know you're good at dancing. I just wished that I also have that talent. Hay! But anyway, I want to say Advance congrats. And goodluck too... Stel, I'm so proud on you. I'm so lucky to have a bestfriend like you...That's all." Nics said with a smile on her face. I smile and I hugged her.

"Thank you so much, Nics..." I said. She hugged me back. Her words raised my confidence.

"Let's stop this drama... Let's go..." Nics said. We walked together.

"Next. Stellla Montes..." One of the judge said when we came in dance room.

"Go, gurl! Figthing!" Nics cheered me. I started to dance but in a middle of my dance the music suddenly change. I just continue on dancing. I also do some random steps. I put all my best on this audition.

"Wow...You're amazing Ms. Montes... I think I know who will be the member..." One of the Judge said while she smiling and clapping.

"I also like her. I love how she dance." One of the Judge said.

"Idol!" Someone shouted.

"You're so cool, Stella..." One of the students said.

"I want her to be my co-member. And I'm that will happen soon." One of the dancers said. I smile.

"Welcome to our Club already!" Also a dancer said in very excited and hyper tone.

"Thank you..." I said with a smile.

"Let's have a break! Just be here after 15 mins." One of the judges said. We all nodded and we go outside.

"Stel!!! You're so cool! I think you got tired. Here. I brought you some water. Drink it." Nics said and she gave me a bottled water.

"Thanks nics." I said and I immediately drink it because I got so thirsty in my dance.

Wait! What is happening? Why... I feel suddenly...