Few weeks past but I still can't believe it...

My friends said I was supposed to be in the Dance Club but a few times I was called I still not there that's why They choose nics instead of me. When they went to our classroom, They saw me. I'm sleeping on my chair.

Sorry mom and dad but I promise I will join in Dance contests. But I don't remember that I go to our classroom that time... I just remember I'm on front of dance room. I want to sleep but I tried to stop myself then I don't remember the next. I just woke up in our classroom and my friends are standing in my front.

Now...It's sembreak. I just want to sleep and read books but my friends decided to have a vacation in resort. They want me to come that's why I go with them.

"Stel, stop reading that freaking and cheap books. Take us a picture! Faster!" Nics commanded. She threw away my books and She gave me her camera. I took them a picture. Thy just pose and pose and pose... After that they walked away.

"Ella, bring out the things! Thanks!" Ryan shouted. I sighed and I get their bags.

"Let me help you..." Rence said and he immediately helped me.

"Thanks..." I said with a smile.

"No problem." He said and smile at me. We walked together toward to hotel while our friends start to swim.

"Rence, come here! Let's swim!" Our friends shouted. Rence rolled his eyes and he continue walking. I immediately followed him.

"The recieptionist said Nicole gave this to her." Rence said and He gave the paper on me. It is written on the paper who will share the room.

ROOM 0411 - Shaun and Rence. ROOM 0412 - Bryan and Steven. ROOM 0413 - Athena and Nicole. ROOM 0414 - Stella

So, I'm alone in the room? Why don't they just take me to Nics and Athena's room? But that's okay atleast I owned the bed.

Rence and I went to our room. I arranged their things. In the middle of arranging things my phone rung.

Nics calling...

"Hello..." I answered while I'm arranging their things.

["Stel, bring our towel here. Make it fast."] Nics said.

"Okay—" She immediately ended the call. I sighed and I get their towel.

"Oh? They commanded again?" Rence asked when I entered to their room to get shaun's towel. I smile and nodded.

"Let me help you..." He said in serious tone and he stood up. I immediately shook my head because I know he's going go rest.

"Tss. Give the towel and Let me help you..." He said and ge offered his hand. I smile and I shook my head again.

"It's okay, Rence. I can do this alone...You should rest now." I said with a smile. He sighed.

"I know but I want to help you..." He said and he get the boy's towel. I was about to talk but my phone vibrate. I took my phone. I saw nics's message.

Nics♡ : Stel! Where the hell are you?! Make it fast. It so cold here! You so slow!

I pouted when I saw her message.

"Rence!" I protested when he took my phone. He read Nics's message. I saw the anger on his eyes that's why I tapped his shoulder.

"Rence, don't mind it... It's fine... Let's go." I said amd I smile at him. He looked at me for a while and he shook his head.

"Rence!" I protested again when I saw him typing something. I immediately read his text to Nics when he returned my phone.

Reply : Tella is here to have fun and enjoy not to do your commands. Stop complaining or insulting her if you don't want to drown

- Rence

I laughed on his text. "You're crazy. What if she gets mad..." I said amd I looed at him.

"Tss. I don't care. Let's go." He said and he walk away. I immediately followed him.

I immediately gave to Nicole and Athena their towel when we get there. Rence did the same but the difference is he threw it to the boys.

"You're so mean..." Stev protested but he's not mad. Actually they just laughed when Rence threw it.

"You deserve it." Rence said rudely.

"I'm sarren, Okay?" Ryan said with a smile. He also putted his arm on Rence's shoulder.

"Tsk! Get off me! You're wet!" Rence said and he removed Ryan's arm.

"Tss..." Ryan said with a smile.

"Rence is grumpy man, right?" Shaun said to me.

"Yeah..." I said with a smile.

"Okay! Let's go gaiz! Let's eat!" Thena said. We all agreed on her couze we are all hungry.

"Rence and Stel go to resturant now. We will follow you. We will just change our clothes." Nics said. Rence and I nodded at her.

"Alright..." I said and we go to resturant. We ordered too.

"Yez!!! Let's eat!!!!" They shouted when they came. That's why we started to eat.

We're talking while we're eating. We always laughed cause the three boyz are always joking and They so hyper.

After we ate, we go to our room to take a rest. I arranged my things and took a shower before I decided to sleep. Because of tired I immediately fell asleep.