"Stel! Take us a picture! Faster!" Nics commanded.

"Do it properly." Stev said. He messed up my hair before he gave the camera on me. I just rolled my eyes at him and giggled.

I took them a pictures. They smile and pose and pose and pose. After that I start to swim.

"Gaiz... Babe and I will just stroll this resort first." Nics said. We just nodded at her. They holding each other hands while they're walking. I just smile at their sweetness.

"Stel! Come here... Let's take a picture..." Thena said. I was about to say something when she pulled me.

"Smile." Thena said and she click her phone. Pose... Pose... Click... Click... Pose... Shaun, Ryan and Rence joined us.

"Ella I will take you a picture..." Ryan said. My eyes got widened. I immediately shook my head.

"Huh? No... No need." I said while I shaking my head.

"Please, Stel..." Thena said and She do a puppy eyes.

"Please..." They said together. I smile.

"Okay...If that's what you want. Then go..." I said with a smile. Ryan took me a picture. I just smile and pose and pose and pose...

"Bryan wait! It's retouch time!" Thena stopped ryan. She came near me. She do something in my hair and face.

"You're beautiful..." Thena complimented me while She's doing something in my hair and She smile.

"You're right, Athena! And your eyes are brown...That's cool..." Ryan said with a smile.

"Well She's really beautiful. Even when we were young she was beautiful. She's just simple that's why you didn't notice it immediately." Shaun said with a smile while he's looking at me. I bowed my head.

"Wow! You talking like you noticed it for a long time ago..." Ryan said to shaun and smirked.

"Of course! Not... Hehe...I just realize it now...Hahaha..." Hay shaun! I thought...

"Okay! Let's start the photoshoot! Rence come here. Joing stel..." Thena said and she pulled rence.

"Okay! Bryan start now!" Thena shouted. Bryan started to took us a pictures. Pose... Pose... Smile... Smile... Wacky... Peace sign... Wacky... Click... Click... Click... Pose...

"Okay... I think that's enough..." I said that's why ryan stopped. Ryan immediately checked the pictures.

Thena came beside ryan to chec the pictures too. Ryan smirked when he saw thena on his side. He putted his arm around thena's shoulder and they looked the picture together.

What is happening? Is this for real? I blinked.

"Gaiz...Are you in relationship?" I asked them in soft way. They looked at me with a smile.

"Huh? Us? No way! Never...That's impossible stel..." Thena denied and she removed ryan's arm. I saw ryan smirked and shook his head because of what thena did.

"Sus! Don't deny it." I said and smile mischeivously.

"Oh! You knew it already? But how? Are we obvious?" Ryan asked. Thena glare at him and hitted him. I just laughed.

"Ahm... Very slight. And I know you so well. I know when you're hiding something." I answered with a smile in my face.

"Stel... Please, do a favor... Keep this as your own secrets. I don't want them to know this cause I know if they know this, My parents will find out this too...I know you know that Bryan's parents and my parents are enemy." Thena said and she held my hand.

Yes! Bryan's parents and Thena's parents are mortal enemy. Why? Cause... First reason, Because of Business. Second, Because of Rank in intelligence when they were young. Last, Because Ryan's dad hurted the sister of Thena's dad. That's why they don't want Thena and Ryan to be friends.

"We can trust you, Right?" Thena asked me.

"Yow! What's that?" Shaun suddenly appeared.

"Nothing... Let's go over there. I saw a woman. She's very beautiful and sexy." Ryan said with a smirk. He pulled Shaun.

"Don't worry thena... Your secret is safe with me." I said with a smile and I held her hand. She smile and hugged me.

"You such an jerk dude!" Ryan said to Shaun while they're walking near us.

"The woman I saw earlier... She's inlove with Rence. She want to get Rence's phone number. But this jerk guy he gave his number instead of Rence's number." Ryan said and he laughed.

"Rence... Do you like that woman?" Shaun asked with a smirk on his face.

"No. She's ugly. Really not my type..." Rence answered in serious tone. We laughed and We shook our head.

As always... Rence is always like that. When someone confessed on him. He always judging it. He always saying 'She's ugly' Even the woman is so pretty... We don't have an idea who is the woman he love but we all know that Rence is inlove with someone.

Hmmm... Who's that lucky women?

We tease each other and laughed together... We also decided to play games. I'm sitting on rence's shoulder while thena is sitting on ryan's shoulder.

"Athena, if we won on this game, You should give a prize." Ryan said. He smirked and winked. I just smile and I shook my head.

"What kind of prize, Bryan?" Shaun asked him.

"Free foods! Anything I want." Sus...

"Whatever, Bryan! If we lose, I will kill you!" Thena shouted in annoyed tone. She also rolled her eyes. Oh! What a good actress... Hahaha...

"Tella just fucos and pushed her." Rence said.

"Okayyyy, Boss..." I said with a smile. Shaun is our referee... Hahaha crazy, right?

"Okay? Ready? Get set! One...Two... Three.... Wait! Are you guys really okay? Are you really ready?" Hahaha... We almost start then... Hay!

"Fvck you! Just count if you don't want to drown..." Ryan threatened him. He just smile and peace sign.

"Alright right right right! Let's start this game! Okay players! Get ready? Get Set! One... Two... Ehem... Ehem..." I just laughed on his crazyness.

"Damn you, Shaun! Just start this game! Or else..." Rence threatened him.

"Fine... Alright. Yow! Get set! Ready? One... Two... Three... Wait! Wait! It's a prank! Hahaha... We forgot something. Let's take a picture before we start this." Shaun said in very hyper and happy way. He took us a picture.

"Shaun! You're losing our temper! Start this! You asshole!" Ryan and Rence shouted him. He laughed.

"Hahahahahahahaha! Why are you so mad oppa? High Blood much? Hahaha! Okay! Fine... I will start this now now now now... Okay! Ready? Get set! And It's a prank again! Hahahaha! Just wait a minute. Chill and Relax cause OneTwoThreeFourFive and Start Now! Gooooooooo!!!!! Fight!!!!!!!!" Shaun shouted. Oh fuck! Thena and I started to pushed each other.

"Go Athena the crying baby! Go Ella the nerd!" Shaun cheered us and he also clapped.

"Athena just push her. Don't be weak." Ryan said to thena.

"Go bestfriend! You can do this!" Rence cheered me. I smile at him.

"Sh*t! Bryan come near them! And hold me properly! Or else I will drown you!" Thena commanded in annoyed tone.

"Go... Just push her hard." Rence whispered to me. I smile and nodded.

"Noted boss." I said. I sighed.

"Sorry thena... ILoveyou!" I said with a smile and I pushed her in very hard way. Then Boom! She fell to the water.

"Woahh!!! Yes!!!! We won!!!!!" I shouted in very happy way and I raised my hands. I also do a high five with rence.

"Tininininining! The winner is Team dugdugdugdugdugdug Team Rence and Stella!!! Congrats and to team Bryan and Athena you may leave now..." Shaun announced like a real referee. We laughed at his crazyness.

"Hey! We're back! Join us to your game..." Nics said while she's walking near us.

"Okay! We have a new players. The winner will fight the new players. And for the losers you should rest first. After that you will fight together. Players focus and be sport. Goodluck players!" Shaun explained to us.

"Wooh! You like real referee, Huh?" Stev said and that's makes us laughed.

"Tella, just focus and do your best. Push her very very hard." Rence whispered. I laughed and I hitted him slightly.

"Hahaha... Bad. But don't worry I will do that." I whispered back. We laughed.

"Babe! Look at them... I think they planning something." Stev said to nics and he pointed us. Rence and I smirked at them.

"US? Planning something? Noooo... Hahaha..." I said and laughed. Rence laughed too and we do a high five.

"Okay! Let's start this Bottle!" Shaun shouted.

"Okay, gaiz? Rence, Ella ready? (Rence and I nodded at him) Steven, Nicole Ready? (Steven and Nics nodded too) Now kay! kay! Ready.... Get set! One...Two... Wait! What's next gaiz?" Oaky... He's starting do his crazy things again...

"Hahaha... Make it fasta dude!" Stev said and laughed.

"Wait... I'm thinking what's next. Ah! I knew it! It's four, right?" Shaun said and looked us with his innocent look.

"What the heck, Shaun? It's there. You idiot. Make it fast and start it is" Nics said with a smile.

"Tella, be ready now..." Rence whispered. I nodded.

"Okay boss!" I said with a smile.

"Excited sis? Excited sis? You have date? Or you have a curfew? Just wait, Okay? I'm the referee here, Not you. So wait. Chill and Just relax. Life is too short, You should enjoy the little things. And gaiz... Always remember that you shouldn't—ONETWOTHREE GO!!!! FIGHT!" Shaun said. I immediately push nicole but it's just almost.

"You such an asshole shaun! I'm not ready yet" Nics shouted. But he just tease her and laughed.

"You can do it ella! Fighthing!" Ryan cheered me while he's clapping.

"Go Nicole! Fight! But sis... Stel is so strong. So Goodluck!" Athena said. I pushed nics three times but nothings happened.

"Athena stop that. I can't push her hahaha..." Nics said. We laughed at her.

"Go Ella! You can do it! Nics is just small girl! Fighthing!" Ryan cheered me again. Wew! He so bully... Nics is smaller than me and thena.

"Go ella! Figthing! Just push her!" Shaun cheered me too.

"Stel figthing! Go! Go!" Thena cheered me too.

"Tella push her harder. You can do it!" Rence said and I nodded at him.

"Hey! Why all of you cheering stel? I'm here too..." Nics protested. I laughed when I realize she's right.

"Go ella!" Stev teased her.

"Babe!" Nics protested and pouted. We just laughed at her.

"Cheer me too!" Nics said. I sighed.

"I'm sorry nics... Iloveyou..." I said with a smile. Nics frowned.

"Huh?" She asked in confuse tone. I smile and I pushed her very hard.

"As you wish... Goooooo, Nicole!!!" They cheered her. Then boom. She fell to the water.

"Wahhhh!!!!" Rence and I shouted in very happy tone. We do a high five.

"The Winner is... Team Rence and Ella!!!! Tininininining!" Shaun, Ryan and Thena shouted in very loud way. I laughed. But I noticed something weird. It's nics. I can feel her anger. Or maybe it's just my imagination? Yeah! This is just my imagiantion. I'm just paranoid.