It's good thing for me that we only spend three weeks in that resort for our vacation so I will have time to help cousis and auntie in their restaurant. I'm the cashier in auntie's restaurant but sometimes I'm assigned in the kitchen. There's a lot of customer because it's still vacation.

"Tel, Can you do the work in kitchen? Then, I will be the cashier for now." Cousis said and she grin. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Alright, Cousis!" I said in a hyper and with a happy face before I walk towards kitchen.

When I get there, I immediately wore the afron before I started slicing the vegetables, meats and other ingredients then I cooked them in the way that I know. After the cooking thing, I started to cleaning the kitchen and washing the utensils.

When I saw that there's only few customer I started to cleaning the floor of the whole resturant, then I also cleaning and swiping the tables.

"Stel!!!" I stopped on what I'm doing and looked at someone who called, I mean, shouted my name. It's Nics... and she with our friends. I smiled and waved at them.

"Zup? What makes you go here?" I asked with a smile at my face. Ryan and Stev do the funny high five with me while Thena kissed my cheeks and hugged me.

"Let's go? Let's overnight at babe Nicole's house..." Stev said with his normal and natural smiley face. I pouted and shook my head.

"I can't... I still need to work here until midnight." I said and then I continue what I'm doing.

"Oh! Come on, Stel... Please, come with us. Please..." Thena said. She hold my hand and she also do the puppy eyes thing.

"Come with us, Ella. We were gonna help you here, tomorrow so, please come with us tonight... Pretty Please.." Stev said in a persuasive tone and he also get the rug that I'm holding so, he can stop me from what I'm doing.

"I agree with babe. I/we will help you tomorrow, Stel." Nics agreed on what Stev's said. I looked at them.

"Okay! Let's go, gaiz! We already have your cousis's approval..." Shaun suddenly appeared out of the nowhere.

"We already talk to her. So, Stop the reasoning and come with us." Ryan said. Oh... That's why Shaun, Ryan and Rence suddenly out of my sight because they go to cashier and talk cousis Shammiel.

I looked at Shammiel. She just smile and thumb up at me and she also winked at me too.

"Hurry up, Sis! We just going to wait outside, okay?" Nics said with a smile and she slightly brushed my hair. They are almost outside when I called Stev because I realize something.

"Yes, sweetie?" Stev asked in sweet tone at the same time confuse tone and he also raised his brows.

"The rug, Stev. Can you please turn that back at me? Because that's owned by my auntie and I don't want you to go to jail, Sweetie..." I stated in a serious tone while in deep deep inside of me was want to laugh so hard.

"Oh! Sh*t! Sorreh... I forgot HAHAHAHA..." Stev said while he's laughing so loud and he's scratching his head.

"The h*ck, Steven! HAHAHA... Are you a thief now?" Ryan teased him that's why we can't stop at laugh at him.

"Here, Ella. HAHAHA... I don't want to spend a night in jail." Stev said. He returned the rug and he's still laughing.

"You're so rich, then, just because of the rug you will become a thief now?" Shaun mischeviously that's why we laughed more and louder.

"My gosh, Steven! HAHAHA... You're so LT! HAHAHA... Btw, Stel, We're going outside now. We can't stay here so long because we don't want the chairs stealed by Steven..." Thena bullied Steve more while smirking and shaking her head.

"HAHAHA... Oki. I just going to finish this." I said. They nodded at me and then they continue teasing Steven while they're walking outside.

"I will finish that. Just go with them." Cousis said and she get the rug. She smile sweetly.

"Are you sure? It's fine if I don't go with them so I can help you here." I said in concern tone. She just messed my hair.

"I can do this alone! Don't worry about me. Just go with them. You need to enjoy, Okay?" Cousis said with a big smile on her face. Why it's so weird for me that she allow me to go with my friends? Most of the time, She's not allowing me to be with them because she doesn't like my friends.


"No buts! Rence talked to me already. He said that he will take care of you. Go now! They're waiting for me." Cousis said in cheerful tone. That's explain why... She's really trusting Rence. But why she's not trusting my other friends?

"Thank you so much, Cousis!" I said in a very happy tone and I hugged her very tight.

"Go! Go! Don't make them wait..." Cousis said and she clapped. I smiled at her sweetly. I removed the afron that I'm wearing and I get my backpack that I'm always using everytime I go here in Auntie's restaurant. Auntie Shany's Restaurant is a bit far from their house that's why I'm bringing some of my stuff and important things.

"Okayyyyy! Le-Let's go!" Stev shouted in very hyper and excited tone when he saw me. I come with Rence because I don't want to be a third wheel in two couples and I'm more comfortable and close with Rence.

We both silent while Rence is driving. We both agree in being silent because we both don't want a loud background. And we both appreciate the silent.

After a few minute, We get in our destination. Wow! Destination? Big word HAHAHA... Just kidding. Back to story! I only come in Nicole's Mansion twice because they never bringing me when they are going somewhere and I'm also busy with our reports, projects, assignments, etc. That's why I don't have much of time to come with them. That's why it's also miracle that they are inviting me even I have a work.

I'm not getting mad at them when they are going out without me. It's actually fine. Why? Because Rence is always there. He always rejecting their invitation just to be with me, to help me. He always visiting me when I'm home. When I have work, He's going to Auntie Shany's restaurant or He's calling and texting me when I have free time.

Rence is always there for me, to help me, to comfort me, to make me happy, to take care of me, to support me and more that's why I feel so glad and lucky to have him as my bestfriend. But I also lucky with my squad but... Uh... Nevermind!

I'm just more comfortable with Rence and we agreed/clicked in so many things. Actually, Stev is my first friend in our squad but he got very busy with Nics that's why Rence and I became more closer and bestfriend instead.

"Let's go to my room! And Stel, Don't be shy, Okay? Just feel at home. My parents is not here so we can be wild." Nics said and she chuckled. Nics's room have a very girly and pink theme. It's too big for one or three person. She also have a lot of stuff and designed things. Her parents really spoiled her so much.

"Ella, Can you cook us a popcorn? Then, We will arrange this messy room." Shaun said and he smiled at me sweetly. How can I reject you, Shaun? Nics punched him in a joke way.

"Alright!" I said while nodding.

"I will help you, Tella..." Rence offered. I was about to reject Rence's offer when Thena talked.

"Yeah... You really should." Thena agreed and she thumb up.

"We have many stock there. Just cook a lot cause you know my babe is a hungry person..." Nics joked that's why they started to teased Stev and laughed. But Rence and I decided to go so we can start cooking. We just talking about random things while we are walking towards Nic's large and fancy kitchen.