"Tella..." Rence called in the middle of our cooking. I smiled at him and raised my brows up as a sign that I'm asking him. "Are you not tired with us?" He asked in a serious voice. Well, he's always serious anyway...

"Huh?" I asked confusely.

"Are you not tired with us?" He repeated and he looked at me with his dark eyes.

"Why would I?" I asked him back.

"I mean, you are our academic source. We always asking for your help. We always demanding at you. You're doing everything for us and sometimes, they're getting mad at you for stupid reasons. You actually looks like our maid..." I started to think because of what he said. He actually has a point.

"Uhm, sometimes. I'm getting a little bit tired but I choose to not stop," I said and smiled at him.


"Why would I? It's fine with me. I love helping, you knew it. And besides, you always there by my side. I have boy bestfriend that who are willing to help me. I really appreciate it, Renren! I'm very thankful for that. Thank you!" I said with a sweet smile. He smile back and messed my hair.

"We are the one who should say thank you," He said and he put his arms on my shoulder. I just pouted at him.

"So, messing my hair is a part of saying thank you?" I asked and still pouting at him. "I just got rebond yesterday..." I jokily added and fixed my hair.

"Wow. Rebond? Is that for real?" I hit him and chuckled. He just laughed too.

"Of course! Not... That's a waste of money, you know," I said and rolled my eyes jokily. We looked at each other and then, we both laughed.

"Well, I have money for that..." He said. My eyes got big because of what he said.

"You want to rebond your hair?" I asked and touched his hair softly. He chuckled and shook his head then, he held my hand.

"I can pay that for you..." He said. I smiled at his thoughtfulness.

"How sweet of you, Bestfriend." I said softly and continue what I'm cooking.

"Bestfriend..." I heard he murmured something but when I looked at him, He just make face at me, that's why, I laughed at him. "Tella, do you like someone?" I raised my brows up when he asked that suddenly. My heart is beating fast because of nervousness.

"What do you mean?" I asked to cover up my nervousness but my voice shake a bit.

"Do you have a crush?" He asked. I blinked my eyes.

"What about you? Do you like someone? Who is that? Do you want an advice on how you should court her?" I asked excitedly and I faced him with a happy face. He just smirked and shook his head. "Oh, come on, Bestie! Who is it? Is she prettier than me?" I asked him more.

"She's simple and... Nerd," Then, he chuckled.

"What?! You had a bad taste! Tsk tsk tsk... You should pick the girl that prettier than me. Tss!" I scolded him. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. He just laughed, that's why, I made face at him.

"It's looks like you are having fun here, huh?" Nics suddenly said from out of nowhere. We both looked at her. She smiled sweetly.

"Because Tella is saying something funny. She's joking." Rence said with a big smile and he pointed me.

"I'm not joking. Like duh! I'm scolding you," I said. I smirked at him and I rolled my eyes jokily. "Anyway, Why are you here, Nics? Do you need something?" I asked in a concern tone.

"Uhm, Rence, Can I borrow Stel for a while? It's just a minute..." Nics asked Rence and she smiled. Rence looked at me and he smiled.

"Sure, Sure! No problem." Rence answered while he's nodding his head. Nics faced me and smiled when we go out in the kitchen. I raised my brows up while smiling at her.

"This is for you, Stel. Athena also have that. It's a couple stuff for the three of us. I bought that when we came in France. Thanks for everything..." Nics said and she gave me the paperbag she's holding. My eyes widened when I saw it.

"Oh my..."

"Please, Take it... It's also our remembrance. Wear it everytime, Okay? And for today, wear the pink one," Nics said that's why I get it. "So, I will go upstairs now. Cooked fast, Okay? We all hungry..." Nics said with a smile. I nodded at her. She pinched my cheeks and smile widely before finally walked upstairs.

I looked the paperbag she gave. It's shirts. It's with a different color like pink, violet, gray, blue, maroon, black, mint green and more. Omo! It's a lot... Simple but elegant. It's also has a printed design 'ASN ♡ BESTFRIEND FOREVER ♡' Oh my! This is very cute...

"What did Nicole do?" Rence asked when he saw me back.

"She just talked to me a little bit and she gave me this," I answered and raised the paperbag a little bit.

"What's that?" A Reporter alert...

"Just take a look to know," I said in a rude way. He hit me softly but I just laughed at him.

"Remembrance, according to Nics..." I said and I put the paperbag down on the counter. Rence immediately take a look at it.

"It's cute. I think it will look on you," He said when he saw what is it.

"I know right..." I said in a joke way and we both laughed.

"Wait a minute... What was this?" He asked curiosly and he looked at me while he's holding a small box.

"What is that?" I asked back.

"I don't know. I just saw that here in paperbag. Here. There's a note. Just read it." He said and he gave me the box. I took the note and read it.

'Ella! Hey, Bestie! I'm too shy to give this in personal, that's why, I put this in Babe's paperbag. Thank you for everything, Bestie! I saw this when dad and I visited in London. I know is not enough but I hope you will still like it. Please, Don't change. Stay what you are. Iloveyou, Bestie!'

-Steven (Your Handsome Bestfriend)

I immediately take a look what's inside of that box. My jaw dropped when I saw it. It's a necklace... And it's looks expensive.

"Wow... It's beautiful," I said with a awe and smile in my face while I'm looking it closely.

"Did you like it?" Rence asked. I looked at him and nodded with a big smile in my face.

"That's good to know. Let's go. Let just finish this, They might hungry now." He said while he's smiling and he continue cooking, I put the box on the paperbag then I started to help Rence.

When we finished cooking, we put it in the bowl. We also made a delicious juice for them. After preparing the food and drinks, we brought it upstairs.

I saw how Stev stares us when we came in. Rence nodded and thumbs up at him like they planned something. Rence smiled and winked at me when he saw my confuse face.

"Stel, I'm done with the bathroom. It's your turn," Athena said when she went out in the bathroom. I nodded at her and go there to change my shirt. I stare at my face for a while before I finally went out.

When I went out the boys compliment and I just rolled my eyes on them, that's why, they chuckled. Nics and Thena asked me to joined on their pictures taking. We just pose and took a lot of photos. Our photoshoot took a lot of time, that's why, boys joined with us. After that, we started to watched and eat. Thena is hugging my left arm while we're watching. We are watching horror movies, that's why, we screaming a lot and we became so loud.

Shout here... Scream there... Cover the eyes... Take a look, then shout very loud when we got shocked. That's what happened while we're watching.

I don't actually understand them. They already knew that it's scary and they still choose to watch it, that's why, in the end we all screaming so loud. We almost dropped the food just because we got scared.

And guess who suggested that freaking movie?

Ryan... The one and only bully. Why? Cause he's the only one who enjoying it. I didn't saw him get scared. He just watching very calm and relaxed while he's enjoying the foods and his drink. This bully man!

After we watched, we played a random and fun games like video games, cards, truth or dare, some challenges, and more...

We also do karaoke. We all sing our favorite songs. But there's a twist. When you got a lower score, you're going to lick or eat a pure lime. But I always got the highest, that's why, I never tried to eat a lime. Nics and Ryan is the one who always got lose.

We also share some embrassing and sad story that we experience for the past years. We teased and bullied each other because of that. And the boys is our leader when it comes on bullying. With matching loud, evil and mischievous laugh.

We do a soundtrip, then, we also singing it. We laughing when there's a high notes but it's just ending up by choking.

We do more random, fun, naughty and other things. We just laughed in our craziness. Well, We are crazy atleast we're having fun. After that, we decided to sleep. The boyz sleep in guest room while, Thena and I stayed in Nics' big room.