Chapter 9: Wild Horses

A swarm of press was waiting for us the moment the limo pulled around. I needed a few moments to find my momentum. Sebastian and Leonardo's voices were just background noise at this point. As I looked out the window, I immediately noticed the people in bright attire and big hats. They were parading through a horde of reporters like porcelain dolls in a museum. The press was jockeying for interviews behind a line of velvet stanchions. 

How could my mom do this? It was a very intimidating sight. At the risk of letting my fears get the best of me, I decided to power through my anxiety and just get this over with. Sebastian gave me a reassuring smile before he opened the door for me.

'This is your stop, my lady', he said.

'You're not coming with me?', I said and gulped. He shook his head.

'Okay… but where should I go after I'm done with the press?'