Chapter 38: Caviar & Paprika

I went down to the massive kitchen to check the pantries and take stock of what I had to supposedly cook with it. All I figured out at the end that there was nothing in here that I could call normal food. Other than the shelves of cooking wines and spices of every kind under the sun, all I could find was caviar, truffles, black garlic, horseradish, kimchee, and pickled peppers. I wasn't sure if any of these ingredients went well together.

I've never had to host or cater a party before. Even for my birthdays' and other special occasions, my mother would deal with the whole process of organizing and all I had to do was show up and hopefully not in a pair of ripped jeans. 

This was going to be harder than I thought!

Just then, Sebastian sauntered into the kitchen looking pleased with himself for a change. 'All the calls needed have been made and now we can concentrate on the food. Any culinary ideas?'