Chapter 39: A Sword to the Heart

'Thank you, Emma', Leonardo told me once he was sure that the tiles were cleaned to perfection, not that I thought they needed any cleaning to begin with. 

'Glad I could help', I told him and smiled politely.

'We better find Sebastian. He's been left unattended for too long', the duke's demeanor changed instantly and his momentary lapse in sentimentality was over.

'Don't worry. He's in good hands', I reassured him, knowing that Henrik was with him and he'd make sure that Sebastian wouldn't stir any trouble.

Just then, Sebastian emerged from the kitchen. 'That was quiet an ordeal. I hope I never have to clean another kitchen again. Thank god Henrik was there to help me through it. He's just finishing up and will join us soon.'

'Speak of the devil', Leonardo said at the sight of his son.

'I hope that's a reference to my impish charm', Sebastian said as he stood tall and proud before us.