Chapter 46: The Last Supper

Sabrina, Lauren, and I walked outside the palace to hop into our respective rides. Sabrina stopped in front of a sleek, white Rolls-Royce that was befitting for a future queen.

'Well, mien lieve dames, this is my ride. See you at the ball', Sabrina sent a flying kiss our way before she hopped into her ride. I wondered where her overconfidence was coming from. I made a mental note to myself to keep an eye out for any funny business that may come from her way.

Further down the line of the fancy, expensive cars that lined the road, I spotted the Novak limo. Sebastian waved out the window as he caught me looking at them.

'Emma! Over here', he bellowed.

'Lauren, where's your ride?', I asked as I didn't want to leave her by herself. It was pretty chilly outside, and our dresses barely covered our shoulders.

'It should be here soon', she reassured me as she rubbed her arms for warmth.