Chapter 49: Lauren's Last Wishes

Man! These taste fantastic', Sebastian exclaimed as he tried the fancy looking shrimp appetizer.

'It is delicious', I said as I took a bite.

'It's nothing compared to our caviar and paprika creation', Sebastian said and winked at Henrik and me. It earned him wide smiles from us.

'I still don't understand why you guys had to make your own appetizers that day', Lauren mused as she finished her appetizer and started dabbing her mouth with a napkin.

'House Novak personally ensures quality', I chipped in to save Sebastian as he looked like he could be sick to his stomach, and it wasn't because of the food.

'That's how all the best restaurants run', Lauren said and regarded Sebastian with amusement and respect.

'That's us… practically a Michelin-star restaurant', Sebastian stuttered nervously. Although, he did throw a grateful glance my way. 

If only there was more I could do for House Novak!