Chapter 48: Unspoken Words

Tonight was either going to be a disaster, or an ever bigger than I thought it would be. Either way, there is only so much I could do, so I may as well enjoy the rest of the night whilst I can.

'You look so beautiful, Emma. The Prince won't be able to get his eyes off you', Leilah complimented me as we both accepted our drinks from the bar.

'Thank you, Leilah. You're a vision yourself', I reciprocated.

'He might like the way she looks tonight, but when it comes to choosing his future bride and queen, he knows who'll be able to handle ruling at his side', Sabrina said from behind us, practically making us jump in our place.

'Let me guess, you?', Leilah told her with the disinterested side-eye.

'That's right, das Schätzchen. You can learn from this one, Emma', Sabrina could barely hold in her gorilla-sized ego.

'I've said it before, and I'll say it again. May the best woman win', I said with a sigh and raised my glass to the both of them