Chapter 8: Fire Pit

As the sunset and the early stars began to twinkle, I found that being caged in a room was the last thing I needed to be doing. I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. Even with the curtains drawn shut, I always felt like there were eyes lingering on me, and not in a good way.

Since I didn't feel safe either indoors or outdoors, I figured I might as well get some fresh air and stretch my legs a little bit. I stepped outside Nikolina's country estate alone in the dark. It wasn't even that late, but the estate did have a creepy feel to it.

It was either that or my paranoia was getting the best of me.

I stopped in my place as I heard footsteps approaching, but I couldn't quiet see in the dark. By the time I had pulled out my cellphone to switch on the flashlight, I found myself being bumped into a silhouette of a man. He caught me by the shoulders before I could tumble on the ground.