Chapter 9: Maid of Dishonor

'Emma! There you are', Sebastian showed up in front us, appearing literally from nowhere, and made us jump in our places. Henrik cursed under his breath at our luck and took a step back away from me while I adjusted myself to greet Sebastian who was waving at us from across the courtyard.

'You were looking for me?', I cleared my throat and asked.

'It's time for us to head to Pearwood Manor', he said as he eyed us cautiously, realizing that he caught us in the heat of the moment, but didn't really let on that he suspected anything.

'Right now?', I questioned him, even though I understood why we needed to hurry. 'I'm not even packed yet.'

'Why do you need to head there so soon?', Henrik asked him.

'We're planning on doing some investigation before everyone shows up. Would you like to join us?', Sebastian asked him.