The King of Gossip

Thirty minutes later, Harris knocked on Aiden's study door and entered, "Sir, there is an employee who recorded the conversation between Mrs. and Mr. Raka in the Rose Scent employee room."

Aiden raised his head when he heard Harris's report. His face looked troubled, "This kind of person cannot be near Anya. Buy the tape from him, then report the person to the police." Said Aiden in a cold voice.

Harris could only nod even though he felt confused in his heart. The two orders that Aiden just said were completely contradictory!

Aiden wanted to know what Anya and Raka were talking about in Rose's employee room so of course someone had to record it secretly. But once someone recorded it, Aiden felt that the person was not safe to be around Anya.

His boss really had a complicated personality.

"Sir, is it not better to let that employee stay there? With that, he can help us... " Harris tried to suggest this to Aiden, but Aiden immediately interrupted him.