The Woman Harris Likes

"Thank you, sir. But I already have a woman I like." Harris immediately refused when Nico offered his help to find him a lover.

Nico did not expect to hear the answer come out of Harris's mouth. He was stunned for a moment, then turned and looked at Harris. Meanwhile, Harris kept looking straight ahead while balancing his body. He did not want his master's food to be scattered.

"What? You already have a girl that you like? Who is that?" Nico asked curiously. He stepped closer to Harris. His eyes were sparkling, feeling very happy about having a new piece of gossip.

Harris closed his mouth tightly and remained facing forward. He pretended not to hear Nico's question and didn't want to answer it at all. Every now and then he glanced up, saw their current floor, and wished he would soon arrive at Aiden's office floor.