Another Woman in Aiden's Office

"Is this really Miss Anya? It's time for you to pay your mother's hospital fees," said the person as soon as Anya picked up the phone.

Apparently, the money she borrowed from Aiden to pay for her mother's hospital fees had run out and now she had to pay fees again.

She couldn't even repay that debt to Aiden!

"How much will it cost?" Anya asked worriedly.

"You can pay the first deposit of twenty million and pay it again when the bill comes out later."

Twenty million? Anya felt like crying. The money in her savings was running low and she also had to find money to pay what she owed to Aiden.

Now, she couldn't ask Aiden for help anymore because her husband was angry.

In the end, she was forced to use all the money in her savings and she was poor again.

Anya could only hope Aiden didn't cancel the order because she really needed the money. Would Aiden cancel his order just because she wished Raka a happy birthday?