Doing Anything in a Confined Space

"Anya, mother's garden is also yours. I bought the garden for you. It's up to you what you want to do with the garden. Mother will not interfere," Diana said to her daughter.

"I want to maintain the vanilla garden and sell the rest to the Atmajaya Group. Then, I want to return the money from the land to Uncle Galih," Anya said.

Diana was surprised to hear it. "Galih? We have a debt to Galih?"

"The money you used to buy the garden was not money left by grandpa, but from Uncle Galih. Uncle Galih gave the money to grandma," Anya explained to her mother.

"What?" Diana turned to the door and saw Galih standing there.

"Anya, let's go out for a moment," Aiden pulled Anya out of Diana's room.

Once stepped into the room, Galih nodded to thank Aiden.

"But I'm not finished chatting with mom," Anya refused when Aiden led her out. She wanted to enter the room again.

"Let your mother and Uncle Galih talk first," Aiden calmly said.