I Will Always Be By Your Side

"Uncle, Uncle Ivan is back. Grandpa asked you to invite aunt to have dinner together at home tonight. Grandfather also invited Imel and Keara," Nico said from the phone.

Aiden frowned at Nico's words. "Ivan should be busy dealing with work issues abroad. Why did he suddenly come home?"

"Uncle Ivan underwent surgery because he had a disc herniation. Grandfather told him to rest and recover at home. All work has been delegated to the vice president. After today's family dinner, he will go to Dartha Hospital and be treated by Tara's grandpa himself," Nico said.

"Ivan has a healthy and strong body. He will not suffer from a disease like this. Tell someone to investigate whether it really happened or not," Aiden calmly said.

Anya who was next to Aiden looked pale. "It must be true,"

Aiden looked at Anya suspiciously and said to Nico on the phone, "I'll call you again and get someone to investigate it immediately,"