Strange Similarity

Anya bit her lip and stopped. Then she glanced nervously at Aiden.

"You guys talk first. I will wait outside," Aiden understood the meaning of Anya's gaze and immediately left the room.

Diana frowned. "Why can't you ask in front of Aiden?"

"Mother, I look very much like Uncle Galih's daughter. Not only did my father suspect it, but Uncle Galih's wife too. Of course I believe in you, but…"

Diana interrupted her with a serious look. "Are you two that similar?"

"I'll show you the photo," Anya immediately remembered when Keara asked to take a photo with her at Bima's birthday party. She looked for the photo on her cellphone and immediately showed it to her mother. "Actually, if we look carefully, we are not that similar, but at a glance..."

Seeing the photo, Diana was also surprised. "Why is your face similar to her? But I really have nothing to do with Galih,"

"Did Uncle Galih ask you?" Anya asked.