Unrelated By Blood

"Why do you think that?" Aiden asked softly.

"My mother never betrayed my father. If I'm not my father's daughter, then I'm not my mother's daughter either. Then who exactly am I?" Tears streamed down Anya's face.

Aiden didn't know how to cheer up Anya. Diana insisted that Anya was Deny's daughter. But if what he guessed was true, it meant that Anya might not be blood-related to Deny or Diana.

He hugged Anya's body gently and said patiently. "We can find out everything after confirming it. After the result comes out, you will know why your mother fell into a coma again,"

"I don't have anyone. If my mother isn't my real mother, I will…"

"You still have me," Aiden bowed his head to kiss the top of Anya's head, then her eyelids and tears. "Don't cry. I will always be by your side,"

Anya looked at her mother who was still lying on the bed. Her tears were still dripping as she asked, "When will the result come out if I take the test now?"