Bad Wife

"Aiden, I... I don't dare," Anya's feet stopped walking, not daring to enter the room even though it was already in sight.

Aiden's handsome face seemed to exude a complicated expression. His little wife had been surviving vigorously and strongly, but she looked very fragile at the moment.

She didn't even dare to see the test result that would reveal whether she was really her mother's daughter, even though she had mustered up her courage all night long.

Because the more you cared about someone, the more scared you would be to lose them.

Aiden embraced Anya's shoulder and tried to comfort her. "I'll help you see it first,"

"I… I don't want to know. Let's just go home," Anya choked. She was afraid that the doctor would say that she was not her mother's real daughter.

They had lived together all this time, enduring each day together, supporting each other so as not to give up. But if she was not her mother's daughter, what should she do?