Diary Book

"I can't give you anything. The only thing I can do is not embarrass you. Even though you are already part of the Atmajaya Family, at least we can meet our own needs," Diana said, stroking her daughter's hand gently.

Anya chuckled. "You're right, mom. We have to be able to pay for our own living and buy our own house,"

"Yes, I will also work hard. Later, if you have children, I will stay near your house and help you look after your child," Diana said as she thought about Anya's future.

"I'll give you grandchildren later. You can invite them to pluck the weeds, plant flowers and watch over their childhood like I did," just imagining it was beautiful enough for Anya.

"Grandchildren? Do you plan to have many children?" Diana teased.

"Mother! Don't tease me. Let's go home. The sun is very hot," Anya's face turned red and immediately changed the subject.