Perfume Competition

"Do you still have my diary?" Diana asked.

"I still keep it and bring it to this house," Anya immediately went up to her room to take her mother's diary. Then, she went to the perfume room to get the notebook that Esther had given her and returned to her mother.

Seeing the two books that Anya brought, Diana asked curiously, "Is the other book your notes?"

"This is Mrs. Esther's note. She lent it to me," although Anya was curious about what was in her mother's diary, she never opened it. She didn't dare to do it though she had the key.

Just like she knew that Galih had sent a love letter to her mother, but she never opened and saw the contents. This was a sign of respect she showed to her mother and Uncle Galih.

Diana took the key and opened the diary that was containing all her perfume notes. The longest date recorded in the diary was 20 years ago.