A Food That Doesn't Like

"Huh?" Anya looked at Tara confusedly.

"I didn't expect Nico to do this," Tara pointed her hand toward the car in annoyance. "So, don't ever expect men to understand our hearts. They only understand themselves. I know what makes you angry, but it's not a wise choice to torture your baby just because you are angry. Once I entered the house, I could already smell the delicious foods. Mrs. Hana must have prepared them downstairs. Let's go down and eat,"

"I thought you came here to comfort me. But you did come to eat," Anya laughed.

"I came to accompany you... as well as eating," Tara also laughed.

"Come down with me. I'm hungry too," Anya knew how much Tara loved food and couldn't help herself when she smelled delicious food. But Tara chose to calm her down first and invite her to eat together.

Tara was right. She couldn't stop eating just because she was angry. That was not the right choice.