Father's daughter

"All of this because my aunt and uncle are fighting. We both have bad luck. Auntie gave you the pear juice you don't like. In the office, uncle kept yelling at everyone so no one dared to come into his room," Nico took a deep breath. Things were really scary at the office today. He really wanted to go home!

"How about you and I just go on vacation?" Tara said.

"Do you think my uncle will let me go?" Nico grumbled.

"Then what should we do? Tell your uncle that Anya doesn't want to be treated like his daughter. She wants to be considered equal, like husband and wife. Anya felt disappointed that Aiden did not respect and rely on her. Hurry up and tell your uncle!"

Tara felt Aiden didn't consider all these matters carefully and ignored Anya's feelings.

"How dare I advise him like that," Nico really didn't want to be bullied by his uncle.

"Then what can we do? Let them solve their own problems?"