First Time to Express Love

"Where are you going to run to?" The voice gave Natali chills all over her body.

When she heard this, Natali was very scared!

But her strong desire to survive made her calm down almost immediately. "Brother-in-law, what can I do for you? Why are you here?"

"Who is your brother-in-law? I don't have a sister-in-law with a cunning brain like you," Aiden said coldly.

Natali answered him boldly, "Aiden, I was framed. I really don't know who Dina is,"

"I'm only going to ask you one thing. If you answer honestly, I will consider releasing you," said Aiden. "Who told you about Anya's examination schedule?"

"My sister and I have a bad relationship. How could I know the schedule for her examination? I don't know about it and nobody told me," Natali was very smart. If she admitted that she knew the date of Anya's examination, wouldn't that be the same as admitting that she was the one trying to hurt Anya?