Why Help Her?

At night, around 10 pm, rain poured down the city heavily. Deny's cell phone kept ringing, waking Anya from her sleep.

She picked up the cell phone from the table and saw Mona's name.

Anya was silent for a while and then said to her father, "Dad, Mrs. Mona called you."

"Why is she calling me so late?" Deny was still in pain and in a very bad mood. The doctor said that he had to be patient and get plenty of rest so that he could endure the pain.

Right now, he really felt irritated and didn't want to answer Mona's call.

"Maybe there is something urgent that she has to call you at this hour," Anya answered her father's cell phone.

Without waiting for an answer from the other side of the phone, Mona's trembling voice was immediately heard. "Husband, help me. I've killed someone!"

Anya was silent for a moment and immediately gave her cellphone to Deny. "Father, Mrs. Mona said she killed someone."