Picking her up

"Why do you want to help her after what she did to you?"

"I really don't like Mrs. Mona and her new lover, but that doesn't mean I want anything bad to happen to them," Anya said with a smile. "Even if I hate Mrs. Mona, I have no right to punish her. It's our duty to help others, especially when someone's life in danger,"

"How do you know that man is not dead?" Deny asked.

"With Ms. Mona's age and her current condition, it would be impossible for her to kill a grown man with a small knife. So I thought the man had just passed out. I tried to calm Mrs. Mona and asked for her address, after that I reported it to the police," Anya said. "I'm doing all this to help Mrs. Mona. If she ran away and the man died, she would be a fugitive charged for murder,"

"You're right. SHe should be grateful to you," Deny looked at Anya happily. "My daughter is very kind."