Being Yourself

"Galih's cousin? I remember he was not a good person. Even though you are already part of the Pratama Family, there are not many good people in that family. Better not go near any of them and just stay with your parents."

When she heard this, Anya felt strange. "Doesn't my father have a good relationship with his cousin?"

"Ten years ago, there was a fight within the Pratama Family. One of his cousins ​​competed with Galih for the property," Diana said while remembering something. "If I'm not mistaken, his cousin has a famous dancer as a daughter. But I seem to have forgotten her name."

"Her name is Agnes. She'd just returned to Indonesia recently and stayed at my father and mother's house," Anya said, her voice growing lower and lower.

"Ah, that's right. Agnes, the one who had plastic surgery because she was not satisfied with her face. But in the end the surgery failed," Diana replied.