The Biggest Battle

"I wanted to tell you. I've sent messages many times, but you didn't answer," Agnes said sadly.

Anya pretended to be surprised. "You texted me? Why didn't I know?"

"Isn't this your cell phone number? Uncle Galih gave it to me," said Agnes, showing her cellphone.

"Right, but I didn't receive any text. Maybe Aiden made my cell phone in silent mode," said Anya with a smile.

"Does he not like us to have a close relationship? He's being too much," joked Agnes.

"Maybe he just doesn't want me to be overly busy," Anya smiled indifferently.

"I have no siblings, no sisters or brothers. You are my only sister now. Can't I get close to you?" Agnes looked sad.

"I've been away for a few months and just came back. Aiden wanted me to spend more time with him. He doesn't want many people to bother me. I'm sorry, Agnes," Anya explained with a smile.