Party Invitation

"I don't know if he wants to punish himself or punish me and mother by not wanting to see us. Find a way to meet him and persuade him to come to our children's birthday party." 

Anya has only one hope, which is her husband.

"I'll try to show a video of the kids learning to walk," Aiden said.

The next day, Aiden took the time to visit the prison at noon.

Since he was the one who came, Galih did not refuse to meet him this time.

"How are Anya and Indah doing?" Although he refused to meet Indah, Galih only had Anya and Indah in his mind.

Aiden looked at the man sitting across from him. Was this person still the same Galih Pratama who was once known as the king of spices?

His hair seemed to have turned gray overnight. And he also looked 10 years older than his age.

After languishing in prison, Galih finally had a chance to think clearly.

When pressing the detonator, what was really going on in Keara's mind?