First Birthday Party

"Aiden, Is Anya still blaming me? She must have been very sad when she found out that I loved her sister more. I am sorry. I'm embarrassed to meet her and the kids…" Galih couldn't continue his sentence anymore.

Aiden stopped walking and turned at Galih who looked pathetic. "Keara is a wound that Anya will never be able to heal. If you really feel guilty and sorry, come to Arka and Aksa's birthday party."

Aiden came out of there with a pounding heart. He felt that this world was truly immeasurable.

Galih would never have thought that one day, he would end up in prison.

Keara also didn't think that all her actions could make her and her family suffer in this hell of a world.

For Aiden, all of this is a consequence of their actions. Galih and Keara didn't deserve anyone's sympathy because they did it all to themselves!