Married At The Garden

"Harris, how many times have I told you? He is your boss at work, but outside of it, he is your uncle. You get used to listening to his orders all the time. How could you let him go on his wedding day?" Nadine felt so angry. 

"Now, what should I do?"

"Don't worry. I've arranged everything," Harris said.

Meanwhile, the weather was sunny at the estate where Anya currently was. She was wearing a traditional costume. Arka and Aksa also wore traditional ones, walking around the garden while looking at the new sight they had never seen before.

Aiden was also wearing a traditional costume, holding a camera while filming behind Anya and their children.

"Sir, the time is coming soon," a staff member said.

Aiden stopped recording and immediately ordered all the staff to get ready. "Get ready for the live broadcast."