Two Different Marriages

"When did my brother go there?" Nadine looked at Nico on the big screen with envy.

"This morning, he still came to see Ivan and Raisa. Once at the hotel, he went straight to the top floor where the helicopter was waiting for him. Look at the clothes he's wearing, he's still wearing his shirt this morning because he didn't have time to change clothes," Harris whispered.

"I want to go there too," Nadine muttered.

"I'll take you there in the new year," Harris took Nadine's hand, trying to comfort her.

"My brother is so bad. He didn't take me there," Jenny also felt angry.

"Jenny, if Uncle Ivan and Aunt Raisa hear, they will be sad," said Nadine.

Anya and Aiden's wedding was a simple but romantic one.

They exchanged vows of allegiance, life and death and then exchanged rings in front of the camera. After that, they danced together with the local folks.