Punishing Her with Cooking

"Chef, do you really like the kitchen?" Another waiter asked.

"I don't know. Maybe, since I used to be a chef, I can say that I really like the kitchen," Cinta changed her clothes to her all white work clothes. After that, she came out of the dressing room.

"They said, to get a man's heart, we have to start from his stomach first. You will definitely be able to find a man who loves you so much one day," in the corridor, Cinta could hear the words even though the voice was faint.

She just smiled faintly.

She didn't even know who it was. Talking about getting a partner is not the right time for her.

Around eight o'clock in the evening, Cinta got a call and went straight through the back door to pick up a shipment.

Who knew that as soon as she stepped out of the door, she bumped into someone who was none other than Aksa!