Something That Shouldn't Have Happened, Happened

"Uncle, Brother, Cinta is still very young and she has never been in direct contact with customers. She always hides behind the kitchen and doesn't know how to please the guests. If she made a mistake, let me apologize to you on her behalf," Henry tried to plead.

"Henry, you have always protected this girl. Do you like her? You have to treat Maddy well. If you dare betray her, you will die in the most pathetic way possible!" Mason tried to remind him.

"Brother, don't misunderstand. Maddy and I treated her like a little sister. We feel sorry for her because Cinta has amnesia and can't remember anything. If anything happens to her, I think Maddy will punish me," Henry said.

Mason glanced at Aksa and then answered, "Why are you so nervous? We just teased her to sit down and have a drink together."

"Mason, you are becoming more and more attractive. Now you know how to tease a child." Aksa raised his glass and toasted Mason.