Penultimate day

Rosalind waited for everyone to finish eating then informed the team, 'After months of a monotonous routine we have almost made it, in the next few days we will land. we hope to be near a cave so we have a slight shield from radiation but if not our first priority is to find a cave and unload the emergency boxes to them. In those you will find the seeds that need to be scattered anywhere and also pieces for a small power plant that will provide us with more than enough energy. Before landing I will tell you all this again and go over any uncertainty. We are about to make history, any slip ups will knock us back but it's nothing we can't survive so don't panic, the most important thing for now is that we get sufficient rest and are ready for anything. we are not sure what we will find here, there could be anything, but after a few weeks of working we will get the chance to explore as a group. whenever we leave the base we will be in groups of 2 and tell everyone where and what we plan on doing, it's too dangerous not to do this and if anything goes wrong it will help for finding you. The group's can change whenever but for the start Asher and Albert will be a group and then Neils and I will be the other. if there any disagreements please say.'

The room was silent.

'Okay that's good, tomorrow we will spend time in our groups and go through the start and how we will get through our own tasks. Asher and Albert will in charge of the power plant whilst me and Neils spend the first few hours seed-bombing the surface. After we have done that we can come help with the power plant, the seeds just need to be scattered and can grow purely from carbon dioxide and light so there is no problem where they go aslong as they are somewhere, nearby would obviously be ideal but we have so many some will have to be put far away. The plants can't be eaten but they will start to help make the atmosphere, the ice comets that were directed to Mars have made a slight difference so the air isn't as dangerous but the suits will always need to be kept out when outside. There is 1 Bequrrel-Curie device each that will give us 1 hour each day where the effects of radiation are nullified, however these use alot of energy which is why it is vital for the power plant to be set up. If a group goes out to explore they can take all 4 devices however the journeys will have to be shorter than usual when all 4 are with 1 group as the rest of us will eventually need them. We can communicate through the suits however there will most likely be many spots where there can't get any connection and cut out. Whenever you can, whilst not at the base we want you to constantly be talking to anyone staying behind. Anyways that is enough for today, we can finish the maintenance tasks and then sleep since we will hopefully be able to land tomorrow.'

Everyone had their morale boosted after realising how close to landing they were, the labour they are about to endure would seem a doddle with how they are currently feeling. But not for Asher, he still felt left out and hopeless for now. He would soon prove to be vital and start to develop as a person but he couldn't see that happening. This was his one time for a fresh start, he knows he needs to grasp it but is too nervous.

Rosalind sat with Asher and Albert then quickly went over their landing plan. 'so thats what should happen, now we just need to rest and psyche ourselves up for it. I will see you all tomorrow and hopefully we will land then.'

Everyone went to their rooms, Asher sat and imagined what could happen but nothing he came up with was right.

What they will find can't be predicted by anyone, given any time frame.