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Preparing & Executing The Plan


While Ace was practicing, Mink would occasionally hit him with the whip without any reason or rhythm, And it hurts so much that Ace's face would twist in pain.

Ace suppressed his pain and asked in plain tone while trying to bear the anger, " Why are you hitting me? "

Mink said with an evil laugh, " You are not supposed to ask something like that, Never ask us any questions, You are just a tool. and a tool never asks any questions. "

Ace fell silent and continued his practice while he said in his head, ' System, I can't wait for 6 months, we are going to destroy these bastards in 1 month. '

Fortunately, all 500 mana stones were with Mink right now and Ace is going to find a chance to steal them from him, Not today tho as he still needs to make some preparation.

Every day, Ace was trained by Roddy, Mink, and Olvan while he secretly gathered information by roaming the spaceship and asking system about various important parts of the spaceship.

He could roam freely as no one was wary of him in this spaceship, Because they think that he wouldn't be able to harbor any bad intentions towards them due to the existence of the special chip inside his brain.

After a month he finally decided to execute his plan with the help of Erga.

' Hey System, your teleport function is ready, right? ' Ace asked.

' No problem, I will just become stronger in the future so that I won't need you to teleport me for my safety '

< You're still 15 years old and have yet to see the outside world, It is full of danger...sigh, Sometimes even my teleport will not work, Rewards and Dangers lurks together, So you have to be very careful in the future >

Ace rolled his eyes but indeed, he has yet to see the vast world mentioned by the system.

' Anyway, Let's start the first stage of our plan '

Ace summoned Erga and said to him, " Erga do you know what to do right? Just make sure you destroy that Electric board which is connected to the monitor system in 5 minutes, After Exact 5 minutes I will summon you back using the Shadow door '

During this month, Ace has reached level 10 his Shadowling Summoning which got him a new Skill called Shadow Call.

-[Level: 10 ( Exp: 0/1100)]

-Skills: Shadow Call

-Summoning Limit: 3

-Attached Creatures: Shadowling Erga [ Str: 10, Const: 10, Agi: 11, Mind: 11 ]

-( Erga ) Skills: Phaseless Traveling, Shadow Claws.

-The user can summon his Attached Creature back to his side if it is anywhere within 500 meters around the user.

Erga nodded after listing to Ace and melted into the ground, Not actually melting but It was traveling from the ground part of the spaceship which contains the structure of this spaceship as it is not the place where humans can enter freely, So Erga can easily reach that place without anyone noticing him.

Ace started countdown after Erga left.

After a while when 4 minutes have passed, Suddenly Alarms began to ring inside the Spaceships.

Ace was overjoyed hearing the alarms and hurriedly used Shadow Call to summon back Erga.

' It's good that there are alarms as it will increase the success rate of Erga stealing Mana stones from Mink room ' Ace thought excitedly.

Soon Erga came out from a black colored portal which was Ace's Shadow call.

Ace patted Erga and said. " Good job! haha, Now onto the next plan, Go and steal Manastones from Mink's room. You remember the location right? "

Erga nodded and left once again in another direction through the ground.

' it took 4 minutes to take out Monitor System and it will take 2 minutes to steal Mana Stones from mink's room so that means Erga can now only maintain his Phaseless traveling for another 4 minutes only. ' Ace thought while thinking about the next step of the plan which is the main.

Soon 2 minutes passed and Ace once again used Shadow Call to summon back Erga.

Soon a portal opened and Erga came out of it holding a box in his mouth.

Ace was overjoyed as he patted Erga once more, "Good job buddy, You're the best"

Erga also made a cry of happiness seeing Ace getting happy.

Ace then checked the box and there was a lot of Mana-stones in it, Seeing this he said, " System Convert all of them into Exp ".

< 50,000 Exp gained From 50 Mana-stones >

" Why did you only convert 50 Mana-Stones? " Ace asked confusedly.

< You can't go past level 20 right now, If you level up too fast then your body might not be able to handle it, After this, you can only level up after a month. And you also need to feed Mana-stones to your Soul-Spirits >

' Damn...Alright Just level up everything to 20 then ' Ace said.

< Congratulations to Host for Reaching Level 20 >

< Congratulations to Host for Achieving Level 20 in Eternal Ice Formation >

< Congratulations to Host for Achieving Level 20 in Shadowling Summoning >

Ace then distributed stat points to all of his stats evenly.

Strength: 9

Constitution: 10

Agility: 8

Mind: 8

stat points: 0

-[Level: 20 ( Exp: 0/2100 )]

-Skills: Eternal Ice Crystals, Glacial Prison

-[Level: 20 ( Exp: 0/2100)]

-Skills: Shadow Call, Shadow Empowerment

-Summoning Limit: 4

-Attached Creatures: Shadowling Erga [ Str: 10, Const: 10, Agi: 11, Mind: 11 ]

-( Erga ) Skills: Phaseless Traveling, Shadow Claws.

Ace looked at the skill description to better understand them.

-Release an Ice beam from hands with a powerful penetrative attack to damage the target and also freeze the target from inside which also inflict internal damage.

-Empower your Attached beast to increase all of its capabilities for a short period of time.

'Both of them seem awesome and I especially need Shadow Empowerment right now to increase the chances of my success ' Ace thought happily.

Ace directly used Shadow Empowerment on Erga which actually drained quite a lot of his mana, Ace looked and saw that 1000 mana was drained directly

Anyway, after Empowering Erga, He said, " You remember what to do next right? It is the most important part of the plan. "

Erga nodded as Ace continued while giving it something, " Take this and do according to what I said, You only have 3 minutes, Don't put this on the wrong place "

What Ace gave Erga was Aramdrex 2.0 Pyro Gun, Ace had already modified with the system's help to increase its capacity to 5000 Mana and added a Self-destruct switch in it After that Ace daily infused his mana into it and now it was filled with 5000 Mana.

Just now Ace turned on the self-destruct switch and it will explode after 5 minutes. The Explosion will take place in the are where core components are placed and specifically on the Space Oscillation device which is used to travel between universes by opening a wormhole.

Even System doesn't know what will happen when this new Modified Armadrex that holds 5000 Mana + The mechanism of the gun which converts Mana into Pyro Energy will do when it explodes on the Space Oscillation Device.

Erga left through the same method as before, By Phaselessly traveling from the interior part of the Spaceship where no humans can possibly enter, Of course, unless they open the interior to repair or modify the spaceship but currently there is no need for them to do something like that so Erga can travel safely to his destination.

Ace started the countdown and soon 3 minutes were up and Ace once again used Shadow Call.

But few seconds passed and Erga didn't come. Ace became extremely anxious.

" System, What happened? Why is Erga not coming? I know that My Shadow Call portal will only form at Erga's side when Erga accepts the call But then Why is Erga not accepting the call? " Ace asked System with worry over his face.

Ace has truly come to like Erga as his buddy, With his parents gone, he lived a tough life with no friends or relative and only got beatings from others but now Erga and the system holds a dear place in his heart, System is part of him so he can only talk but Erga exists physically unlike system.

< Worrying has no use, Keep sending Shadow calls to him, Something might have happened but you have also empowered Erga, Making him more powerful >

By now 1 minute has passed but Erga still didn't come.

< Ace, The device ( Gun ) will explode regardless so you should be prepared, I will initiate teleport in 30 seconds, Let's hope Erga comes in 30 sec >

" No...Erga will die then, I don't want Erga to die " Ace eyes turned moist after hearing what the system said.

Suddenly he got an idea, " can I cancel its attached status and return it to Shadow Dimension? I don't care if the plan fails I want Erga to survive, I am sure Erga doesn't have the gun on him, Maybe some humans really entered the interior part to check out things so I'm sure they must have already snatched the gun from Erga and Erga must be trying to run but got entangled by them. "

< sigh, There is a way to cancel its attached status but you are not powerful enough to send him back to Shadow Dimension >

" Why? Why am I not powerful enough? Convert Mana-stones into Exp and level up my Shadowling summoning, DO IT NOW. " Ace shouted Anxiously.

< Sigh, This is not how an Anti-Hero works but fair enough, You are not going to be The Greatest Anti-Hero but Greatest Hero by an Anti-Hero system >

< We don't have much ti...>

Just then Erga came out from the Shadow portal with a wounded body.

Ace directly hugged him but Erga issued some painful cry which startled Ace.

Ace looked at Erga's wounded body and said, " Sorry buddy, You've suffered for me, Just rest for now. you've done more than enough. " Erga can only heal in tattooed form for now because Ace doesn't have any healing ability nor does he have any points to buy something from the system's store to heal Erga's wounds.

" Looks like They really entered the interior to check things and encountered Erga there," Ace said with a grim expression.

< Alright, Put the Mana-box inside the storage space, I am going to teleport in 3 seconds >


