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End of the Skarlanks, What is World ?

Ace opened his eyes and he was in an unfamiliar place.

" Where are we? " Ace asked.

The system opened the map for Ace to see and a red dot appeared on the map.

< I don't know but we are at this place>

" Damn...we are pretty far away...it's going to take a lot of time to return. " Ace mumbled before asking, " Can you find out what happened to the Skarlanks? ".

" What is the condition of clearing this Mission? Do I have to kill every single Galactic pirate? if that's the case, Then it will take a sh*t ton of time to finish the mission. " Ace said with irritation.

Just then there was a notification.

< Main Mission: Destroy Evil Completed >

After this Ace heard in his head which startled because This was not the system's voice.

It didn't sound childish like the Anti-Hero system, but a Mature Lady's Voice.

" What the hell? " Ace was confused hearing this.

" System what is going on? What is Super Dimension World ?"

< I didn't know that special reward for completing the mission in the challenge time frame would be this. >

" Why? The Super Dimension World is not a good place? " Ace asked with curiously written over his face. Because Super Dimension World sounds really cool.

< Let me explain to you slowly, First What is a World? >

" World? The World is...Earth? "

< Hahaha, Earth is a planet, And you live in the Planet Earth, So what is a world? confusing right? >

" Yea Earth is in the Milky Way galaxy, The Milky Way Galaxy is in this Universe, Now that you mention it, the term "World" is never used in physics to describe any place in the universe, Only people use the word "World" as if saying we live in this world, actually world encompasses everything even universe if you think about it. " Ace said after thinking for a while.

< Yes, Universe is a bubble that is expanding but The WORLD is way bigger than that, The World contains many bubbles means many universes >

< There are Three Worlds: Normal Dimension World, Super Dimension World, and Hyper Dimension World >

< The Normal Dimension World has Power Ceiling of 100 Levels, Which means you will not progress further after reaching Level 100 in A Normal World >

< Our Universe and the universe from which those pirates came from are both in Normal Dimension World, Generally, Only Strong people who reached Level 100 will choose to go to a Super Dimension World >

< With your current strength, Going to Super Dimension World is considered very dangerous, Although you can progress very fast in Super Dimension World because of abundant resources, Danger also lurks everywhere there. You will be like an Ant who might be stepped upon anytime in there >

Ace digested the information and said somewhat dejected, " Alright, Then I will leave the decision to you because I have avenged my parents and I don't have any girlfriend too."

< Humph, This is a Great Anti-Hero system you're talking about, Of Course, we will go to Super Dimension World. And you don't have to get dejected, There is a vast world outside and so many mysteries, You will be shocked upon seeing many things >

Ace grinned and said, " Haha Alright, Then we will go to Super Dimension World, By the way, What about Hyper Dimension? What is the difference between Super Dimension World and Hyper Dimension World ?"

< You don't need to know about it now, But let me just open your horizon a bit, If you step into Hyper Dimension right now with your current power then you will disappear in less then a second >

" What do you mean by disappearing? "

< Dude, I just used a gentle way to tell you what will happen when you step into Hyper Dimension with your current strength. sigh...>

" humph, Just say it clearly "

< Alright, let me tell you bluntly that if you step into Hyper Dimension with your current strength, You will be obliterated by the Atomosphear of Hyper Dimension...Your Body and soul both won't be able to handle the atmosphere in Hyper Dimension >


Ace sucked a breath of cold air hearing that.

" Forget it...Its time to check rewards " Ace said as he opened The Storage function.

3-4 things that look like boxes were in the storage.

Ace opened the first box.

< Congratulation to Host for getting Sweet Pink Dainty Wings >

Ace's mouth was wide open seeing the wings and then he cursed, " What the fuvk is this sh*t ?, This is clearly for little girls and it's even butterfly wings. Damn, Can't you give me something decent? "

< Dude...It's not up to me what do you get...But these wings are really...Hahahahaha I just imagined you wearing this wings and it was absolutely hilarious hahaha >

Ace was speechless. " Stop laughing and do something...can't you change its appearance? at least change the color to Black or Dark Silver so that it looks cool even in butterfly shape "

< Sorry Pal, I can't do something like that...anyway, check out its information, The stuff is great in utility >

[~Sweet Pink Dainty Wings~]

-User can infuse Mana in the wings to fly in the sky, Speed increases as you infuse more mana.

-Generate goodwill from people if the user wears these wings while talking to people.

-luck slightly increases. ( Only Female )

Seeing the information, Ace signed dejectedly, " Looking at the last effect, It's clearly for girls "

< You can just use it for Traveling when there are no people around >

" sigh...never mind, Let's open the 2nd Box " Ace signed and opened the 2nd box.

< Congratulations to Host for Getting A Skill: Death Mark of Ice ( Epic ) >

" Now this is considered something cool...The name is already a bit scary " Ace said with a grin and looked at the information of the skill.

[~Death Mark of Ice~]

-Mark the Target using Death Mark of Ice, Marked enemies can be detected by the user if they are within 5000km range.

- The User can use Projectile Skills like Eternal Ice Crystal which will hit the enemy regardless of their position within 5000km range.

-If more mana is infused when creating a Mark, Then the user can also Activate the mark to freeze the enemies. ( can be resisted if the enemy is capable )

-The user can create the mark first and then touch the enemy to apply the created mark on the enemy. Mark will last for 3 days wether it is applied to the enemy or not.

" This skill is really awesome...Haha I can even kill enemies from afar using this "

< Yep, This skill is really suited for your Eternal Ice because your Ice Superpower has characteristic of " Eternal " which will make your freezing power and strength of the ice hard-pressed to resist even if the enemy is stronger then you >

" Also, I can use it bomb my targets from afar using Mana Detonation + Eternal Ice Crystals hahaha " Ace had excitement written over his face imagining the possibilities of this skill Because it can be used with other skills he might get later.

" Alright, Let's open the last box " But Ace suddenly remembered that The mission's rewards were only contained two boxes, an Epic Grade Skill Box, and a legendary grade Weapon box.

< why did you stop? >

" I was wondering about three boxes...Wings should not be from weapon box because it's not a weapon, " Ace spoke with confusion.

< Oh...The first box was the Accessory box you got after you killed Byron, Why ? didn't you know that? >

" This... I forgot about it because the situation was urgent at that time, enemies might have caught up to my trail by tracking where the small tunnel leads to so i wanted to hurry and return to the city " Ace spoke embarrassingly.

" Anyway, let's open the last box which is presumably the legendary Weapon box " Ace spoke and opened the last box before the system could mock him.

< Congratulations to Host for getting The Stick of Punisher ( Legendary ) >

" What the hell? Why is a Stick considered a Legendary Weapon? are you messing with me again? " Ace mumbled before looking at its information.

[~The Stick of Punisher~]

-A Powerful Artifact that can be used without infusing mana.

-Targets Hit by this stick will have their internal Mana system jumbled and wouldn't be able to use Their Superpowers properly, and might even produce backless if they recklessly try to use mana, Duration: 2 seconds.

-The user also won't be able to use Mana related Superpowers while using the stick.

-After accumulating 100 Hits, The user can use the Skill: Divine Punishment on the target.

[~Divine Punishment~]

-The Stick will be empowered and the next strick will completely seal Target's mana for 5 minutes. ( The effect will be halved if the target is way more powerful then user. )

" Now this is what you call an OP weapon " Ace grinned, as he imagined hitting opponents stronger them him, making them unable to use their skills.

< but if you can't land a hit in 2 sec, the opponent will be able to use a skill, So you have to increase your close-combat capabilities to fully bring out the potential of this Stick of Punisher. If the enemy is better at you in close combat, Then you will lose easily. >

" Alright, By the way do you know...."