CHAPTER 1 – The person who controls the shadow


"I know I know!"

"Geez! What are you doing?"

"I forgot my gift in my room that's why I go back to get it"

"Alright. Well then let's go. I can already hear Elise's nagging haaa"

You've had it hard huh mother? ehehe

Ten minutes had past and we arrive at our destination. The Royal Palace.

However, That's not where we're going. We have a butler waiting to escort us to where the royal family is.

"Mr. And mrs. Krueger This way please" [Butler]

Is it just me? Why does all butler's look the same? Is it required to look like that?

No it's not that he's ugly or what, He just resemble our butler a lot.

This is not my first time here in the palace but I still get fascinated at how gorgeous this place is.

You can play Hide and seek here.

"Your Highness Mr. and Mrs. Krueger has arrived"

"Oh really? Escort them in"

"Yes your highness"

"Please come in"

"Thank you" mother/father

I know you're wondering why we're here and why's the royal family is close with our family.

Well the thing is, My mother and Queen Elise are best friend they've been friends since they're childhood and my father and the king are also friend, after all the late king and my grand father has an undying friendship between them. That's why my family and the royal family are close.

"Elise! we're he-"


She didn't even let my mother finish talking. Now I know why mother is so eager to leave earlier ahaha. sorry mother.

"Sorry sorry Elle forgot her gift to yuan in her room. Come on Elle! Apologize too!"

Ugh look at those eyes. Seriously? are you really serious?

"Oh my. Is that so? Then it's okay ahaha. By the way Elle, Yuan's waiting for you to arrive you know? It seems yuan really miss you ahaha"

"OI Elise! that's unfair you know"

"What is?"


They always act like a child whenever they're in each other's presence hahaha

"Why is it that whenever you're together you always forget about us?" [King]

"That's because they don't care about us anymore hahaha"

"Why does it sounds like you're happy?"

"No I'm not" *Laughs*

They talk for 15 minutes and after that my parents decided to go to the celebration hall.

There are so many noble family here, some of them dresses their daughter with great effort to make the royal family notice them.

Now that I think about it. I didn't have any friends! Am I pathetic? am I?!

well it's my fault too. I reject every invitation sent to me. *Sigh*

After ten minutes of thinking how much I feel bad for myself. The host start's to talk.

"Everyone let's all welcome the Royal Family!"


When I see them in a distance it really feels like they're different people. You can't imagine them having an immature side.

The King gave a small speech for prince yuan's birthday and after his speech the noble's starts forming a line to give their gifts to the prince.


"Estelle? Why are still here? When are you giving this to the prince?"

Ehh? There're still so much people there.

"Maybe later? People are crowding over there."

"Ah you're right hahaha"

There are some noble that tried to persuade the king to engage his to their daughter but no luck.

The king maybe looks like an easy prey for you but he's actually not. He's kind but in a different way.

I'm so bored! I wanna go home. Elli's not here cause he's with his friends. And mother? No she's over there chatting with the other mother's.

"Excuse me?" [Girl]

Hmm? Who is this?

"Ah yes?"

"Um are you busy?"

"No I'm not."

"Really? Then can I talk to you? I don't have any friends and my mother's talking to the other mother's here. "

Do I look lonely? Is that why she approach me? Oh no I'm starting to feel bad for myself *sniff*

"Yeah sure"

"Thank you! By the way I'm Claire Van Schepdael. Nice to meet you"

"I'm Estelle Krueger. Likewise"

"So Lady Estelle why are you here? I mean you're not talking to other girls"

"Estelle is okay"

"Ah? Okay" *smiles*

"Well. Since I don't accept any tea party invitation I ended up having no friend"

"EH?! Really? Why?"

"I'm too focused on my study and training."

"Don't tell me you're training to be mage?"

"Not quite. I just want to master every Elemental Energy. You can't just rely on other people to protect you. That's why"

"Amazing! Then you can use mana?"

"Yeah I can."

"AMAZING! Estelle, you're amazing!"

"HUH?! Eh? Why?"

"Because you can use magic despite your age, Ah how old are you Estelle?"

"I'm eight years old why?"

"I knew it! You really are amazing Estelle!"

"I don't really understand why"

"It's because we're the same!"

"Is that so? Then want to be friends with me?"

"Is it ok?"

"Of course"

"Thank you Estelle!" *hugs*

She's the same as me huh? Having no friends too? hahaha

"Oh my, Lady Claire is that you?"

Hmm? Whoa! Look at that dress. She's obviously bragging her dress to everyone. My eye hurts

"Lady Lauren"

Lauren? Who?

"Lady Claire you don't want to talk to us yet you're talking to her? She doesn't even look like from a noble family."

Huuuuh?! Who is this brat? Well I can understand why she said that. I didn't dress beautifully (no need I'm already pretty)

"Lady Lauren Stop acting so rude, you didn't even know her and you talk like that"

"Heeeeh You're talking back? You know you're not in any position to talk to me like that right?"


Hooo. Is her family above her? No wonder she looks down on her.

"Claire who is this brat?"

"Um Estelle d-"


"Well, you who else?"



"No. That's why I ask Claire."

Let's tease her a bit more hehe

"This brat!"

"Estelle! She's Lauren Damien! The daughter of Duke Damien!"

"Hehh. Who?"

"EH?!" [Claire/everyone]


'Estelle! You really didn't know her?'

'Ah no. That's why I'm asking you'


What? Is it surprising to know that someone don't know her? Well she didn't know me too and yet she Talk to me arrogantly. Let's make a scene hohoho

"Fine. Let me introduce myself since a lowly brat like you don't know be grateful"

"No need. I'm not interested. Claire let's go"

"Hey! You dare! Get back here!"

Yes that's right. Hurt me.

*pull's hair*


I shouted my lungs out so that the other people around us even the adults can hear me.

"What is that?"

"Look look! Someone's grabbing that girl's hair!"

"Where? Where?"

Good good. Look at us.

"What? You're shouting now? Your parents can't do anything even if they see you in this state you know?"

Lauren Damien. Daughter of Duke Morgan Damien, their family is one of the top five powerful in Tedal but, Their family is in the number five seat in that top five you know.

Let's see


I shouted loudly again and the adults finally hear me screaming.

Looks like she's furious now because of the attention we're attracting now. She will back out after all this commotion.

That's what I thought but instead of letting me go she punch my face really hard.


Unable to understand what happened I fell on the ground.

I touch my face where she punched me and I saw blood dripping on the ground.

Eh? Oh no what is this? Did she just punch me? Me? Thinking that my mind repeatedly utter the same words.

[I��ll kill you]

Is the only word I can hear, But that voice ain't mine.

[I'll kill you!] [How dare you!!]

[I'll kill you!]

Who's voice is this?!

"Kyaaaaah! She punched her!"

"Oh my god! There's blood!"

After she punched me everybody starts panicking.


I heard a familiar voice. Is that the king? I don't know. I don't know anymore. I just want to kill this f8cvking brat!

-Because of the commotion Estelle's parent tried to see the kid who's currently on her knees and is bleeding through her face. But it shocked them. They will never imagine that the child kneeling there is there daughter-


-Her mother lyndys run's to her. And the moment she reach her. Words didn't come out her, There's a big cut under her daughters eye and it's bleeding nonstop-


"Estelle? Estelle? Don't worry mom's here"

Mother? Huh?


Mother shouted furiously, seeing me in this state made my mother furious so much that her killing intent is lashing out.

"Um. I'm sorry if I didn't talk to Estelle Lady Lauren wouldn't have hurt her. I'm sorry" *sobs*


"Lauren? Who is this lauren?"

The children who saw her grabbing my hair point's at her. But lauren didn't care about that and instead of apologizing she just said –

"Serve's her right. Madam if she didn't annoy me she wouldn't have get hurt you know"

[I'll kill you!]

Shit! I can't suppress it anymore! Please just get me out of here!

"Heh? Is that so? young girl. Do you even know who's you're talking to right now? Guard, Drag her parents here"

"*Gasp*" [Lauren]

To her surprise mother ain't afraid of her.

Before her parents appear the King and Queen comes and their curious face turns into bewildered faces. The Queen run to where me and my mother are and tries to cast some healing spell on me but it didn't work. It won't work cause something is blocking their spell inside me.

And the king prevents his son to see me. Good job King.

Lauren starts to feel nervous because the king and queen involved themselves and Claire is crying beside me.


Crap! It's getting louder! Hurry!


A man struggling on a guards hand shouted. They really are a father and daughter.

Once they reach where his daughter is it started to sync on his mind that his daughter did something. He look where his daughter and where Estelle's mother is. His eyes widened on the scene he's looking at right now.

The queen kneeling on a child cast's a healing spell repeatedly, And a furious mother looking at him directly ready to kill him at any moment.

"FATHER! This madam's daughter tried to humiliate me in front of other people!"

Lauren said with a fake sob. *sobs*

But my mother looked at Duke Damiens coldly.

"Duke Damiens. Your daughter didn't just grab my daughter's hair she also punched her in the face! YOUR DAUGHTER PUNCHED AN EIGHT YEAR OLD CHILD ON THE FACE AND SHE DIDN'T APOLOGIZE AND THREATENED ME?!!"


'She's just eight year old and duke's daughter is twelve years old. I can't believe it!'

Stunned by the word she heard. Lauren started to tremble and panic.

I can't anymore! This black like aura will come out!

[[I'LL KILL YOU!!!!]]


I big blast made them all flying except to the queen's family and my family.


A different voice came out of my mouth. But I can't control my body! At this rate lady lauren will get killed!

Lauren started shaking and fear enveloped her. Her father tried to kneel in front of me and begging to forgive his daughter.

I saw the bewildered look on my parent and queens face. And Claire , Why is she happy?!

I didn't pay attention to the man kneeling and just walk past by him and walks toward the trembling girl.

"p-please d-don't k-kill me!"

I didn't know why but I don't feel anything. She didn't even hesitate when she punched me in the face and now she's begging? What a fool.



My body started moving again and a black aura again covered my right hand and suddenly a dagger like appeared! This is not good. If I kill her now my family's reputation will go down and there will be a news about an eight year old killed an Eleven year old kid!

Once my hand got the dagger it started attacking Lauren.

Shit! I can't control my body! Somebody! Please stop my body! No I mean me! Wahh! I don't know anymore just stop me!!!!!

It was about to reach lauren's trembling body when suddenly, my body stopped.

Eh? Who?

There is a young looking man holding my body. But my body didn't attack the young man. It's only target is Lauren.

"Please stop! Everyone's scared!"

Say's the young man.

When I heard that, my body automatically look back to where everyone at.

And then…


My body just fell on the ground and everything went black.

Thank goodness!


After that all I hear was my mother's voice calling my name desperately.