CHAPTER 2 – CALAS The shadow.

It's been a week since the incident on the royal palace.

The Damien house got punished by the king and took all the wealth of their family. The king also stripped their title as Marques and gave them the lowest title on the nobles.

Duke Morgan tried to talk to my parents but got chewed out of the manor. Her daughter has a severe trauma because of what happen.

This incident got me all confused. As far as I know I don't have any strength to stand but my body move on its own. Just who the hell?!

Arrg! It's no use! Shit! Just what hell is that black thing? Thinking that I began to hear someone talking in my mind…



Who's there?!

'I'm glad you're alright'


*Knock knock*

"Lady Estelle. I brought you some snack"

"Oh Rina. Come in"

The voice is gone? I'll take care of it later.

"Lady Estelle. The lord wants you to go to his office later"

Hmm? Father is? I wonder why.

"Did he tell you why?"

"No miss."

"I see. I got it. Can you leave my room? I want to do something."

"I understand"

I don't want to scare her. I mean I don't want her to think I've gone insane.

Now then…

'Who are you?'


Hoooooooh! Now you don't want to answer me?!

'I ask you! WHO.ARE.YOU?!'

I ask irritably.

'Master. I am your humbly servant. Shadow CALAS'


As far as I remember shadow is an Elemental energy. And no one has able to obtain or master it because it's the hardest one to control. Then why?! Anyway let's solve this calmly.

'What are you talking about?! Isn't shadow is an Elemental energy?!'

'That's not true master. Shadow is an army who protects its owner'

'wha-? An army?! Not an energy?! You're lying. But the book said -'

'That's what the creator told to the one who write the book. We shadow and the other four that the creator originally has have their own will' say? You're lying. Is that the reason why no one in this era have them? If that so, then why do I have one of them?!

It's starting to get troublesome!

'Then why do I have the shadow? I didn't do some kind of trial to obtain you.'

'We didn't have that trial. It's just that the moment you were born. We were already part of you'

'So it is some kind of inheritance? Like bestowing upon your skills to someone or something like that? '

'Yes. You can say that'

I see. So it's like that. Wait! Aren't I gotten too accepting on this?!

'I see. Can I ask you something?'

'Of course master'

'Before that, can you stop calling me master? It's uncomfortable '

'Yes My lady'

'Okay so do you have a humanoidl body?'


Eh? Why is he surprise?

'Well, do you have?'

'Y-yes I have! But may I ask you why?'

'What do you mean why? Come out here'


'Why? You don't want to?'

'n-no It's just that, this is the first time I will come out off the shadows with a humanoid body'

'Hmm? Why? Aren't you like that in the past?'

'No. The Creator only ordered us to hide in the darkness so.'

'I see. But now you can come out. I will introduce you to my parents'

-The shadow Calas could not hide his joy upon hearing his master's order to come out surface this is the first time he feel this way and promised that he will protect the young lady with his life-

'I understand!'

So the Creator only let the shadow lurk in darkness, huh. That's a little saddening.

While I sympathize to Calas story, a black thing came out from my shadow and a young boy appeared in front of me.

"Eh? Who? "

"My lady. I'm Calas, I'm so happy that I can talk to you personally like this"




So that's how it is. They don't age that's why his appearance is a young boy.

But this.. It looks like we're the same age. How will I explain this to my parents? *Sigh*

"Don't worry my lady. I will explain everything to them. You can leave it to me"

Yes. Let's do that. Let's leave it to him.

And I just dumped it to him like it's not my business anymore.

*Knock knock*

"Lady Estelle."

Ah. Right I need to go to my father's office

"Ah right. I'm coming"

"Calas. Go back to my shadow I'll summon you later"

"Yes My lady!"

Now then … How will I handle this now?


*Knock knock*

"Father, it's me"

"Come in"

This is my first time coming here.

"Sit there"

"Ah yes. Why did you call me?"

"Estelle. Do you perhaps, have the shadow?"


"Father what do you mean?"

"That incident took in the palace. I sense the shadows aura on your body"

He sensed it?!

"Father I don't get it. What do you mean?"

It's not like I want to hide it from him.

"When you stand up there's this black mana sipping out. It's not your mana but someone else's"

"I see. So that black thing is a mana too. But father how did you know that?"

"It's not just me. The king and queen also your Mother and Ms. Amanda Bauwens Knows it"

Eh? Oi oi . That's a little bit … you know …. Scary

"What about the others?"

"We immediately used barrier to prevent the other people sense the black mana .The one who used barrier is Ms. Bauwens"

So that happens. But they're amazing they handle it calmly.

"hmm. I see"

"So Estelle, I will ask you again. Do you have the elemental of shadow?"

"But it's not an elemental father."

"What do you mean?"

"The shadow is different"


Hmm. It's hard to explain. AH! I know. Let's leave it to calas! He's the one who suggested at first. But is it alright to tell them? Arrrg! I don't know!

"No point explaining it. It's hard for me. Ask him instead"

"Huh? Who? "


I call his name and he appeared in front of us right away.

"Wh-? What is this?!"

"This is the shadow, Calas"

"You're lying Right?"

Father got this astonished face. He literally doesn't know what to do.

"Let's call everyone first" *Sigh*

"Ah. Yes"

Father leaves his office to get my mother, the butler and the head maid.

I think I got myself into more trouble *sigh*

"Are you alright My Lady?"

"Huh? Yes. What do you think will happen if other people know this aside my family?"

"Being the only person who have the shadow. Many people will start wanting you on their side"

"I knew it"

"You don't have to worry about that my lady. We shadow will protect you"



After a few hours of waiting every servant on our house is gathered here including the knights.

Why? Why is everyone here? Just so you know we move to our garden because there's no way that this many people will fit in my father's office.

Don't tell me-?!

"Everyone I have something to tell you. The only people who can know this are the people serving this house. When this news comes out, there is a severe punishment to the person who bragged this outside. "

Haaaa! I knew it!

"YES!" [Everyone]

"Um. Father? I don't think this is a good idea" *Sweats*

"Alex what is this? You just told us to come out here and nothing else"

So he didn't tell mother. No wonder she's still acting normal.

Father just looked at my mother smiled.

"I hope everyone won't get surprised by this but, Estelle has the Creators shadow"

[["*GASP*!]] - Servants

Geh! He said it!!!!!!!!! I'm doomed!!!

"A-alex? What are you talking about? Y-you know that's impossible right?"

"*Smile* I know it's hard to believe but after I saw it with my own eyes I just get Goosebumps"


"Estelle, can you show it to them?"

Hrrm! What to do?

'Hey calas? Are you sure it's ok to show them?'

"Yes. There's no problem showing it to them my lady"

If he say's so then

"hm. Yes. Calas come out"

Black mana appeared and calas and three other shadows (people?) came out.


Hey calas you didn't tell me about this.

[[[Oh my god!]]]

"Um. This is the shadow calas. Calas introduce them too."

Everyone's bewildered faces turns into joyful faces after I said that.

"Good day everyone! I am the shadow Calas! It's pleasure to meet you"

"I am Diables"

"The name's Disaris"

"And I am Entros. It's so nice to meet you" *smiles*

"um. This is the first time I met the other three that's why. By the way this is my mother Lyndys my father Alex and my little brother Elliot. Be good to them"

[[It's a pleasure to meet our lady's family]] – Shadows

"y-yes. Likewise" – mother

After I introduce everyone to shadows, Father wants to assign them to the guards but those four won't leave my side no matter what so father gave up that idea in the end. They also explain them what shadows really are to clear everything.


After I learn that the shadows serve's under me, I also noticed that my mana grew in to unbelievable state.

You can imagine it as a bucket full of water turns into a large drum full of water.

It may sound not that great but you all remember that I'm just and eight year old kid right?

I'm amaze that everyone is so adaptable. They all just go back to their work like nothing happened.

Hmmm. I'm bored. But I'm too lazy to move. *sigh*

"Lady Estelle? Is there something troubling you?" – Disaris

Is that what it looks like?

"Hm? Ah no. I'm just bored"

"I see. Do you want to do something?"

"No. I'm too lazy to move"

*knock knock*

"Big sister?"


Entros open the door and there's my little brother looking at me


I jumped out my bed to go to Elli.

"What are you doing here?"

"Um. Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Eh? What? Eh?


"Because you're not leaving your room this days! You're not playing with me anymore!" *Sniffs*

Crap! So that's the reason why I'm so bored these days!

"Ahh! Don't cry! Of course you can. I'm sorry stop crying okay?"

"Really?, promise?"

"Yes yes promise"



"Estelle. A letter arrive for you"

"Eh? Who is it from?"

"Its from the house of Van Schepdael"

Van Schepdael? I don't know them.

'Lady Estelle. Maybe the letter came from her, that little girl you're talking to that night'

"Oh! Mother! Is it from Claire?"

"Yes. She wants to visit you tomorrow" – Mother

"I really thought it's from their son" – Father

"That's impossible!" – Mother

So it's her! Their talking about someone but I didn't pay attention to it because it's bothersome.

"I see. She must've been so worried about me"

"haha I'm sure she is. By the way Elli, you look happy today. Did something good happen?" – Mother

"Yes! I'm sleeping with sister Elle tonight"

"Oh is that so? Ahaha" – Mother

After dinner I went back to my room to take a shower. But while showering Disaris enter the shower room.

"Lady Estelle. There's someone outside the manor now. It looks like their spying on your family"

"A spy? How many are there?"

"Three. One on the back and two on the front"

"Why's the guard didn't apprehend them?"

"It seems that they're using stealth"

"Tell calas to quietly apprehend them and you inform my father."

"I got it"

There's someone who wants to spy on us huh. Is it related to my shadow? No that's impossible. Then what? Our house is heavily guarded. But using stealth just to spy on us

That's weird.

'Lady Estelle'

'Diable? What is it?'

'We're done capturing them'

'Ok. Well done. Let's wait for my father'

'I got it'

That's fast.

*Knock knock*

"Lady Estelle? Young master Elliot is here"

"Ah? Already? Wait I'm coming out now"


I waited till Elli's asleep to talk to calas.

I block all the communication with the shadows so that I can concentrate on Elli. They will just distract me if they report to me every minute.


'Yes my lady.'

'What's the situation?'

'Lord Alex is interrogating them now, but he can't get any information from them'

'What did Father do?'

'He said he will ask them again tomorrow'

'That won't do. You guys interrogate them. Do any method to gain information from them'

'As you will'

If asking them calmly won't do, Then torture it is.

The next day, the spies confess everything. My Father called the Royal family to witness the Spies confession. After they confess my father and the king prepare to capture the family who hired them.

I sent a letter to the Van Schepdael to postpone Claire's visit because of some trouble in our house.

And one more thing the spy asked my father if they can work under me. But my father suspects them that they will bring harm to our family so he refused them.

The spies confess that it's the Nadelmann who hired them, they want to know if there's a place here in our house that doesn't have guards so that their mage can sneak in. They didn't tell them their plan so it's still a mystery to them the reason why they want to sneak in to our house.

And how did I know any of this? Of course the shadows always report to me. They reported everything to me.

The Nadelmanns wants to know our family's weakness. Maybe that's the reason why they hired someone who didn't belong to them in the first place just to be safe. They thought that even if those guys got captured they won't reveal who hired them, but it backfired, those guys exposed them, not just to our family but to the Royal family as well. Though we're the one who squeezed them to talk.

Since the royal family chose to be involved, it's just a matter of time before they got captured.