CHAPTER 3 – Aclurons, Academy of Sorcery

One month passed and the Nadelmann got arrested.

Right now I'm with Elli and Claire she's been going back and forth every day to our house.

"Claire? Aren't you tired?"

"Hm? Tired of what?"

"You've been coming here every day"

"No I'm not. In fact I don't want to go home"

"NO! GO HOME!" – Elli

Eh? Elli?



Is that the reason why he always came with us? So cute!

"Alright alright, stop it you two."

What's up with this two? They got along so well, ahaha

"Lady Estelle. Lord Alex is looking for you"

"Dad is? Why?"

"There is someone important who wants to meet you Lady Estelle, and Lady Claire someone from Van Schepdael house is here to escort you home"

"EH?! It's too early!" – Claire

"Young miss. Lord Esteban wants you to come home early today. Someone from the academy is looking for you."

Oh? Claire as well? I wonder why.

"You should go home for today Claire, It looks like someone is here to see me too. This will take long for sure."

"I understand. Let's go Nigel."

"See you. Be careful on your way home."

Claire went home with the sad look on her face. She really doesn't want to go home.

"Big sis! Let's go. Father's looking for you"

"Yeah let's go."

I wonder who it is. Is it from academy too?

The maid escorts us to the living room and there's mom and dad waiting for us with an Old lady?

"Oh. Here she is. Estelle come sit here"

Mom said while tapping the chair beside her.

"Um. Why are you looking for me?"

"Estelle. This is Ms. Amanda Bauwens she's the chairwoman of the Aclurons"

What? So this is Amanda Bauwens. I can see her aura clearly. Is she purposely letting her aura out to test me? If so I'll pretend I didn't see anything.

"Eh? The chairwoman? But why's the chairwoman here?"

"You see Estelle -"

"No it's ok. I'll explain it myself. Young lady I heard that you're already over Level 20 Is that correct?"

How did she know? I never tell anyone about my level. although she didn't say the specific number it's still shocking that someone knows my level.

"Um. I don't know what you're talking about? hehe" *Looks away*

I conceal it you know! How come someone knows it!

"You don't need to hide it young lady. I know that at your age level 20 is a little bit unbelievable. But seeing you in person it makes sense"

"Who told you about it?"

No one answer first. Did they cast some spell on me? If they did I should've known about it.

"It's me big sis"

?! ?! ?! Who? WHO?!

"Elli? You don't need to cover up for someone ok? I won't get mad"

Hmm. That's right maybe he just covers up for someone.

"But it's really me who told dad."

"Nods" – Dad

The shocking truth slapped me when dad agrees with Elli. Does that mean? I can't hide anything from Elli?! Oi! That's scary you know!

"You're not kidding right?"

"Yes. I'm sorry big sis *sobs*"

"n-no it's okay. I'm just a little bit appalled"

Just how did he know? Does Elli have some kind of special ability?

"So young lady, Is it okay if I ask your current level now?"

They will eventually know I'm lying since Elli's here so lying is a no-no.

"I'm level 35"

They were dumbfounded at my level and can't say anything, Ms. Amanda too.

"Is it better if I lied?"

If I were in their shoes I'd be shocked to the bone too. It's not common to an eight year old to have a high level like me you know! I should've been more careful.

"e-ehem. And your core level is?"

"Orange core, Medium stage. A month ago I'm at Yellow core, medium stage, I don't know what happened but when I look at my core level I'm already at Orange level"

I'm not lying! That really surprised me too. Maybe because I always used Mana gathering that it surpassed the Yellow level.

"I can't believe it! Ahahahaha! So there is another one!"

"There's another one?"

"Yes. There's another eight year old like you that surpassed yellow core medium stage. She's not in your level but she's in Dark stage now."

"May I ask who that girl is?"

"Duke Schepdael's Daughter, Claire Van Schepdael"

I knew it!! She didn't tell me her level but I can see to her aura that she's already in yellow stage now. So that's why her father sent their servant to pick up Claire.

"Is that so"

"Oh my. You're not surprised?"

"Ah yes. She's a friend of mine. So I kinda knew it"

"I see. You're friends."

Is she here just to ask me about my level? There's no way…

"Estelle. Ms. Bauwens is here to invite you to enroll in Aclurons" – Dad

Now I understand.

"Why? I'm still an eight year old girl you know"

"Don't worry young lady. You can enroll 2 years from now. We also offered it to Lady Claire."

"That's two years early?"

"Hahahaha. It's okay I'm the chairwoman so I can invite anyone regarding their age"

What a carefree person. So I still have two years to train myself.

"Alright Ms. Bauwens. I'll accept your invitation"

"Good. I should get going, I sneak out just to invite you personally hahaha. Lord Alex and Madam Lyndys thank you!"

"Ah no no. Thank you! Take care Ms. Bauwens" – Mom

"Ah right. I didn't ask your elemental energy is"

*flinch* Crap!

"Well, whatever. Bye! See you in two years Lady Estelle *wink*"

"Ah, hahaha yes. See you"

Now then, let's start our training tomorrow! I need a more suitable training ground. Ah!

'calas? Do you know a place that's good for training?'

'For training is it? You should go to Cliffrose Wilds, You can also look for a familiar there. There're also many creatures and there's a dungeon too.'

'Dungeon? Then that place is for adventurers.'

'No. that place is too much for adventurers. If they didn't know anything about that place, they'll die.'

'Then why are you suggesting that place to me? I didn't know anything from that place too. I'll die you know.'

'Of course not my lady, you're strong enough to face beasts there.'

'Oh my, you're fluttering me. ehem'

"Ah that's right, dad I need to train myself"

"Train? Aren't you already training?"

"That's not enough. I need a new training place. So I'm thinking of going to cliffrose wilds"

Huh? Did I say something wrong? Why are they looking at me like that?

"Is there something wrong?"

"Ah no, I'm just wondering how'd you know that place"

"Ah. Calas's the one who told me"

"No wonder"

"Wait a minute! Alex? Don't tell you'll allow her to go there?"

"Eh? Ah, Yeah that's because training normally won't do any good for her, I mean she's already on orange level, so she needs a training place appropriate to her level"

"I know! But Estelle is still a child!"

"Honey, she has the shadows. We don't need to worry about her safety since she have had them"

"Alright. When are you going to train?"


"Already? Geez! Come back home from time to time do you understand? If you don't I'll drag you back!"

"Yes ma'am!"

Now, let's prepare first.

"Big sis?"

Ah right. I forgot about Elli. I also need to improve my abilities to conceal.

"Yes Elli?"

"Are you leaving?"

"Not now. Wanna sleep with me tonight?"


The night passed quickly and morning came.



In the depths of the forest, there're creatures that humans didn't know. They are the one who governs this forest. Any humans who set their foot inside this forest will eventually die. No one knows how big this place is and what kind of creature lives here because everyone die, luckily there are some people who came back alive and describes to the person in charge of making a book what kind of creature they fought.

And these people who came back alive from setting foot there are Amanda Bauwens the chairwoman of the Aclurons, Samuel Weschler and Sylvain Derporte. Only one of them saw one of the forest guardians once he saw it, in that instant he saw that guardian he fled that place right away because the creature he saw is a kaiju.

The reason why he knows the name kaiju is because in historical book kaijus are known as mythical creatures and as big as dragons, in book kaijus are similar to dragon's appearance. But the one he saw is different from the books description, it has three heads and a little bit bigger than a dragon and its aura can kill hundreds of humans once you get near of it. Since then they call it three head dragon.

In this forest there are five kaijus that govern each side.

The first one is the three head dragon that this person saw is the guardian of the east side.

The second one is a hellhound that guards the west.

The third one is a Fenris wolf everybody knows it but never saw one it guards the north where the tedal kingdom is.

The south is guarded by a beautiful creature with a white, blue, yellow feather called phoenix.

And the center of the forest is guarded by a dragon, a dragon that is known by everyone.

Everyone know that kaijus are not like some creatures that you can form a contract with, little did they know this creatures are just patiently waiting for their master to arrive.

Since there is no news about people dying there nowadays everyone thinks that the forest is safe now.


Alright! Now that everything is ready all I need to do is send a letter to Claire that I will be gone for two years, she sent me one too saying that her father force her to train even more to get stronger so she can't come to our house to play.

"Rita? Can you deliver it to Claire?"

"Yes Lady Estelle"

*yawn* I can't leave until the king arrive. Prince yuan wants to see me before I leave so there's nothing I can do but to wait.


"Ah yes?"

"Are my staffs already on the carriage?"

"Yes. Ms. Rita load them up a while ago"

"I see. Thank you"


A few moments later the king arrived

"Big sis! Yuan is here, come to the living room"

"Yes coming!"

When I got there, everyone's sitting there quietly.

What is this? my funeral?

When yuan saw me, he started to cry.



"Aunt Elise, why's yuan crying?"

"Because you're leaving! You didn't even visit him this past month"

"e-er Uncle yoran?"

"Yes, he wanted to visit you but you're leaving now and you will be gone for two years"

"Yes I'm sorry. But I'll come home every month. I'll visit him then"

"Really? … Promise? … I'll hate you if you don't visit me!"

"Yeah promise hahaha so stop crying ok?"

I reaaaaaally forgot about yuan! And my brother tries not to cry. What a cute little brother.

"Elli Come here"

When I call him he run to me and started crying too. Haaa. What to do? There're two little boy in my arms crying their hearts out.

"Estelle. There are only two things I want to say to you before you leave"

"What is it uncle yoran?"

"First is don't ever go to the center of the forest, you can go anywhere you want except to the deepest part of it there are unknown creatures there so be careful, and second don't forget to call us not just your parents but also us ok? I won't tolerate it if you forgot"

"Ah yes! I will!"

"You should get going"

"Ah yes! Mom, dad, Uncle Yoran, Aunt Elise, Yuan and Elli I'm off!"

"Be careful there alright?"

"Yes mom! Ah before I leave, yuan come here. I forgot to give you your present, here wear this ok? I adjusted it so you can talk to me when I'm not busy. You too Elli it's a little bit different cause yuan's a necklace, always wear it okay? Then I'm off"

I got in the carriage and wave to them until I can't see them.

Cliffrose Wilds here I come!

I feel so excited for some reason. But everything change the moment set foot inside the forest.


Meanwhile in the forest everyone is in turmoil when the dragon in the depths of the forest began to move.

"I can feel it! I can sense the chosen one! Wahahahaha! At last! I can finally meet you my king!" – Dragon


"The master is coming here! We should greet him with our most sincere loyalty!" – Three headed dragon


"I can sense the master getting near here!" – Hellhound


"our master is here!" – Fenris


"IT'S THE MASTER!" – Phoenix

Estelle didn't know that there's something waiting for her at Cliffrose Wilds that will change her whole life.