CHAPTER 4 – The shadow kaijus

A few hours later we arrived at cliffrose wilds!

"Wow it's big! How big is that tree?"

I got off the carriage to see how big that tree is. I look like an ant just by standing beside it.

"Lady Estelle I'm done unloading all your staff"

"Okay. You can go back now take care"

"Yes, you too young miss"

Now that we're here, let's look for a place to set up our things.



Let's see, I can feel a very strange aura all over this forest but it's not dangerous, how do I put it hmmm, in fact it feels nostalgic for some reason.

Anyways I should start training myself before it gets dark. But training in the dark can sharp my senses.

I better start from gathering mana, this place is overflowing in a different kinds of mana.

I sat down and close my eyes, the minute I close my eyes I feel every mana starts circling around me and then ….. *thud* I blacked out.

"It hurts! What was that?"

When I open my eyes all I see is darkness. I tried calling calas and the others but it's no use.

Shit! Where am I?

It's pitched black! I can't see anything. Oh that's right fire magic.


What a simple spell hehe

Hm? It's wide, I think. BUT WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE!!

"Hello? Calas? Everyone where are you?"

I've been wondering around for ten minutes now, but I still can't find the exi-!!!!!

I felt a very strong aura, it feels like it will tear you body apart! I stop walking to check where's this aura came from. I gather all my courage to follow it and ...




Despite being in a disadvantageous situation I plucked up all the courage inside me and walk to where the aura came from and to my surprise I saw something terrifying!

"kuahahaha! Welcome to my territory! .... hmm? ..."

I stared at the creature in front of me in incredulity.

No way, am I dreaming? That's right this must be a dream. Let's wake up now!

"I don't know what you're doing but this isn't dream just so you know"

"WHAT?! THEN DID I DIE? YOU'RE LYING RIGHT? Crap what should I do? I just got here too!"

"you're wrong, You should calm down first"

That's right! Let's calm down! *inhale* *exhale*

After I calmed down a bit, I looked at it again.

'This is too much! No matter how much you look at it, that's a dragon!'

"u-um, what am I doing here? And how did I end up here?"

"oh? It looks like you still don't know anything. Well, where should I start with?"

He starts to tell me everything about this world 2000 years ago including the people we should be wary of and what kind of people are they, he also told me that he was once a friend of the Creator and this forest is the creator's graveyard that's why it's overflowing with mana.

And the most unbelievable thing he said is ….

"before the creator dies he plants this black ore inside us so that when he got reincarnated we will instantly know, that's why the moment you were born every creature in this forest stops rampaging. We welcome you for your return our lord!"

Now that he mentions it I saw bunch of monsters behind him, just like him they're all bowing their heads down. Strange, I don't feel scared, instead I feel safe. But even so I don't know what to do about this. Surely this feels amazing but what if I'm not their lord? Also I'm from a different world how did that happen? I couldn't ask that to them it feels like I'm fooling them.

"What if I'm not your lord? Are you going to kill me?"

They don't answer me but I can see to their face that they won't do it or rather they can't do it. I can clearly see the pain in their faces when I said that.

"I'm just kidding"

Their faces began to brighten as I said that.

"Since I'll stay here for two years, let's get along alright?"


I open my eyes again and I'm back.

"It's already this dark?"

"Welcome back my lady"

It sounds like he knew where I've been, not just him but the other as well.

"Yeah I'm back"

Now that I take a good look at my mana there're three different color of mana that I gather, Black, blue and white. That's weird, this is the first time I see this white mana.

Well, let's start training my body too.

"Let's hunt for our dinner!"


Van schepdael's Residence

"That's impossible dad! I'm already tired!"

"What do you mean impossible! Stop loafing around and come at me!"

"GEEZ! Alright! Ice missile"

It's still not powerful!

"Is this all you've got?"


"Hellfire missiles"


I need a stronger one! If Estelle is here she will definitely cast strong attack spell!

"Static blaze"


Not strong enough! More I need more powerful attacks!

"Chaos Blaze"


Ah. Crap.

"AH! I'm sorry father!"

"What are those attacks?"

Estelle showed me once an attack that's powerful enough to fight head to head with a level 50 person. Haaa. I miss Estelle so much *sniff*

"Ah I used one of Estelle's examples and create my own attack spell. Since I have Fire and Ice I can easily make a powerful attack to someone whose level is higher than me"

But still, it's not enough.

"A-Amazing Claire! I can't believe that you can cast some powerful attack spell! But why didn't you do that in the first place?"

"W-well, I'm still not used to it so I refrain myself from using it ehehe"

Releasing that kind of spell in our courtyard is a bit...

"I see. Then let's do this, I know a place where you can release your full strength you can gain some experience too"

"Eh, where?"

"You'll see. Go rest now, we'll go tomorrow"



Claire starts her real training to one of the famous woods in Tedal. It has many powerful beasts that you can fight with perfect for training. And thus Claire's hellish training began.


It's been two years since I started training in Cliffrose, to think I'll be going back in one week. I've been so busy training that I almost forgot to visit the king and queen, thank goodness my mom called me through Elli's ring reminding me about visiting the royal family. I still feel the killing gaze from the queen when I forgot to visit them when I got home two years ago. Haaa. That's so scary. By the way, The queen gave birth to another child named Yana she's 1 year old now. Also Elli and yuan starts training because they got an invitation to attend Aclurons too.

"What are you thinking my lady?"

"Ah nothing. I just remember something scary two years ago ahaha"


This is phoebe a phoenix she's the guardian of the east in cliffrose, her appearance is like a griffin and a dragon in combination. She has a gentle aura so I got close to her real quick but of course she's not friendly to any human, I'm the only exception since they think that I'm the creators reincarnation.

By the way as the dragon ender says all the beasts here serves under me even the guardians, I still can't believe it but the two years I spent here is really worth it and oh the shadows came out one by one to introduce theirselves to me and at the same time my mana core reach its peak and broke, so currently my core level is on red level dark stage. I also got the other elemental energy so basically I can use every Element now. Aren't I a little bit overpowered? Nah! I'm just getting ahead of myself.

"My lady, I think you should change your clothes. It's all beat up"

Now that he said it, I'm really all beat up.

…. did I get taller?

"Do I still have spare clothes?"

"I'm sorry my lady. You already used the spare one"

"This sucks, I still have a week before I return."

"Worry not my lady you can use your mana to make a new one"

"Eh? Are you serious calas?"

"Yes. In fact our clothes is made from your black mana"

"That's kinda, hard to believe, but I have no choice but to try"

Just like calas said I try to command the black mana and to my surprise it instantly wrap itself around my body and there! My damage clothes disappear and a black with a little bit combination of red appears.

"Ohhhh! This is nice! Does it have some kind of barrier?"

"Yes. It's because it's made from mana itself"

That's very convenient!

Oh right I should test its durability.


"Yes, my lady!"

"Attack me"


"My lady!"

"What? Don't worry I just want to test my clothes"


"It's alright Disaris. Rhaz one attack is fine"

"As you wish!"

"Alright. Now!"


h-huh? Isn't that a little bit …. W-wait! are you trying to kill me !?!

Rhaz release a very powerful attack that everything on their surroundings got destroyed.

I-I thought I was going to die! What was that attack? That's dangerous!

"Hey! What was that? Don't use that carelessly alright?"

"As expected from my lady! That kind of attack is too weak for you to stay on guard!"

"that's right! That's one of my strongest attack spell, but it didn't even scratch you, you really are powerful my lady!"

Stop that! I'm gonna cry! You guys overestimate me! *sniffs*

"n-no hehehe"

Well that's what we do for the past week. It was even more hell like than when I got here for the first time. They started saying they want to test their power on me! I really thought I'm gonna die this week, but I survived!

A carriage arrived early in the morning to pick me up, the beasts wants to come with me but, I can't do that if other people get's to know that I can order the beasts from cliffrose they'll start crowding our house to get me acquainted to them. And thinking about it pissed me off! So I told them that I will summon them from time to time so that they'll behave here.

"Lady Estelle we're ready to leave"

It's the coachman he finished putting my things in the carriage.

"Alright. I'll be there in a minute"

I walk a little bit further away from the coachman enough to talk to the guardians to say goodbye for now.

"Everyone, I'll get going now. Take care of the things here alright? And keep an eye to that place"

"yes! leave it to us! Please be careful on your way back"

"Thank you. Then, see you"

Everyone bowed their head and starts going back to their designated place.

Hm? I don't see ender. Is he busy? Well whatever

Now then, it's time to go home.

At the middle of our peaceful journey, the coachman suddenly stops.

"Mister what happened?"

"My lady there's an accident 4 meters away from us"

An accident huh, did they got into a fight with bandits?

"Let's go a little bit closer"

By the look of that vehicle, it's used to carry products, a merchant?

"But my lady it's dangerous"

No it's not a merchant. perhaps ...

"It's alright, Calas is here"

"Yes my lady"

We got a little bit closer to take a look at the broken vehicle.


There're children in here? What're these kids doing here? Yeah I'm a kid too I know.

Hm? It's not just humans there're Elves too. From the looks of their clothes they're slaves? Human trafficking!

"Disaris locate these vehicles owner. Calas go get information about the person who left these kids here"

As far as I know human trafficking is forbidden. Did it get attacked by some beasts? It feels like he left these kids here to serve as baits.

I should send message to my father.

"Entros. Go and get dad, tell him there's an accident on my way home. Oh and bring 2-3 knights"


Not a man of words eh.

This children looks lifeless, did they torture them before selling? How ruthless.

"My lady I got that person's name"

"Already? Alright who is it?"

"Reinhold Frenz, A merchant from Gelyra kingdom. He's done selling the other kids on the other kingdom and these kids are their last but they got attacked"

"I see. Good work, let's wait for my father to arrive"

Since human trafficking is illegal here in tedal that guy will surely go to jail.

A few moments later the coachman told me that he saw many knights heading here. So I got up to see if it's my father.

I clearly said to bring 2-3 knights but why did he bring half of the army here?!


You don't need to yell I can hear you. Hmm? Geh! The king's here!

"Estelle! Are you alright?" King/Father

"Ah yeah"

"So what happened? Your servant appeared out of nowhere to tell us you got into an accident"

"Not me. Well the coachman saw this vehicle and when we got closer to it there's a bunch of kids in there."

"Children are inside that vehicle?"

When he saw the children's condition his face turns into anger, He already knows what's going on just by looking at it.

"I see. Alex these children here are victims of human trafficking"

"What?! everyone outside our kingdom knows that selling slaves here in Tedal is illegal just who on earth."

"It's alright father, we already know that person's name and where he came from"

"Oh. Well done Estelle!"

"It's not me, its calas"

"I see. Calas thank you"


"So who is it Estelle?"

"Reinhold Frenz, He's a merchant form Gelyra kingdom"

I don't know what's going on but, the moment they heard gelyra kingdom their expression become bitter.

"Gelyra huh. That fcking trading country!"

It looks like they're not in good terms.

"Allison let those children ride with you"


They didn't bring any carriage huh. Well they look like they came here in rush.

They let the children ride on the horse instead riding with them.

But I have a problem. A re~ally big problem. Ever since this elf kid saw me he wouldn't leave my side no matter what.

"um. Uncle, Father this child won't leave me, what to do?"

"Oh? Hahaha he looks like he's attach to you Estelle, you really are magnet of little kids huh."

Is …. That a compliment?

"But I'm a kid too your highness"


"I mean uncle! Uncle! ahaha"

Scary! he's the king he should let me call him that in public *sigh*

"You can take him to your carriage if you like."

He won't budge too so let's just do that.

Went I got in to the carriage he won't follow me inside. He just stood there looking at me.

"Are you not getting in?"

He looked surprised

He didn't expect me to say that, is that why he's surprised?

"Come and get in."

You can see his eyes sparkling when I invited him to get in the carriage. When he got in, the carriage starts moving.

He seems like he didn't get enough sleep, so he fell asleep right away.


It's been a week since we got home, Reinhold Frenz got arrested for breaking the rules and the children got into an orphanage here in Tedal except for one child, the child who's with me in the carriage on the way home he wants to come with me, but I'm not the one who will decide for that so for the meantime the king asks him if he can wait for a few days, he doesn't have a choice so he silently follow the knights.

And after 2 days my mother took him in, she's not against it so talking to her about that child's situation goes smoothly. He doesn't have a name so my mom named him Loris.

But babysitting three 8 year old is a little bit too much! Surprisingly Elli didn't oppose the idea of adopting Loris and they got along pretty well too.

I'm going to rest until the school starts. on the other hand Claire is still on her training so she can't visit me her father is a real Spartan!

Right now I'm monitoring Elli, Yuan and Loris training. Apparently Loris is capable of using mana so the other two ask my father to let Loris train with them. Mother called Ms. Bauwens to inform her that there is another young boy that will attend Aclurons together with Yuan and Elli. So she sent an invitation for Loris too.

"Big sis! You're just relaxing there!"

Crap! but it's my time to rest .....

"No I'm not"

"Then fight us!"

Fufu when does Elli get the balls to challenge me? Kukuku

"fufufu are you sure?"

He's hesitating kwahahah


Nice. Should I help them train a little bit?

"Alright. I won't hold back, are you ready? Then let's start!"


"ARRRGGGG!!!!" [Them]

And the hellish battle between those three boys and Estelle came to an end.

"Alright let's end this here. I'm hungry let's go~"

"ye~s" [them]

those three knows the outcome but still suggest to fight me.

They won't fight back, is what I thought. Hahaha I didn't really think that they'll launch a powerful attack against me, it seems like father gave thought them a lot huh. It doesn't matter though cause' I win fufu.

Those three knows how merciless Estelle is when it comes to fighting so as long as you can defend yourself she'll not hesitate to attack you. Even without using her mana she's still strong.


Three days until the school starts, I'm currently at the store where I bought the pendant that yuan has, I need to buy another one for Loris.

"Excuse me"

The store changed a bit.

"Welcome customer"

"Hello. Um do you have mana ore?"

"Ah yes, what color do you prefer?"

Loris has silver hair, so white.

"Do you have a white one?"

"Yes. Here it is"

It bigger than the other ore, why is that?

"Why is this bigger than the other ore?"

"Ah yes, this ore came from eagle beast. The beast is bigger than the other beast we caught."

"I see. I'd like to buy this"

I'll make a bracelet for Loris

After buying the ore, I decided to walk around for a few minutes before going home. I'm also thinking about buying new things that can be used in school. Now all that's left is to go to school.

When I got home I found everyone on the living room together with a mana sphere. What are they doing?

"What are you guys doing?"

"Oh welcome back Estelle"

"I'm back, are you measuring their levels?"

"Yeah. You see Elli wants to know the gap between your level and his"

"Hoooo, I see. Come here you three"

I called them over and personally check their status.

"Oh Elli your level has gone up by 2"

"Is that true? Yay!"

He's already in level 10, not bad Elli.

"Yuan your turn… Let's see …. You leveled up too good job!"


"Your turn now Ris ….. You're also doing good Loris! It's not even a month you're already level 5. Keep up the good work"


Ugh. His sparkling eyes, It's hurting me! it's cute too!

"Anyways you three, I can't help with your training anymore so don't forget to gather more mana than you already have alright? It will help you level up much easier"

"But big sis, why do we need to gather mana?"

"You see Elli, there are different colors of mana - "


"Eh? Mother?"


"Ah yes!"


They didn't know? I thought everyone knows about it because it's like picking the color of your clothes you want to wear.

"u-um. Base on my experience Elemental energy has different colors. You can clearly see it by gathering mana to your body, If you concentrate more you will see different color of lights there's white, blue, red, Silver, Brown, light blue, and an invisible one. By the color you can already know what kind of elemental energy they are"

"What about the invisible one?"

"It's the wind, you can't see its color cause' it symbolizes wind but you can feel it"

I explain everything to them about the colors of mana, except the color of the other Energy.

"So as you were saying the reason why we have our elemental energy now is because that's the first mana we gather?"

"No. It's because you gather the first color you saw when you starts to gather mana"

"I see. That makes sense. You have affinity to any elemental energy right? But does everyone can gather more energy?"

"No. Once they got accustomed to seeing the color of their mana, they won't be able to see the other colors too. Even if I tried to release a red mana now you can only see the color of your mana"

Except the black one since it's too dark to not see it's color. But to think that they didn't know about the colors is a surprise to me.

"Father, Mother can you keep this a secret? I have a feeling that it will be too troublesome if this information got out. You three too, promise me you won't tell anyone about this alright?"

"Sure dear"

"Thank you mother"

I need to start packing my stuffs. So I head on my room first, Yuan will stay the night here today so those will come and play in my room until they got tired so I need to finish packing my things.


The next day.

"Rita, are you done putting her things on the carriage?"

"Yes madam"

Everyone is busy now because the chairwoman sent us a letter to come early to school, Claire is on her way there already.

"Everything is ready mom, I should get going"

"Alright, Take care. Come home if you have time ok?"

"Yes mother I'm off!"


We travel for about half an hour and finally arrived at Aclurons.

There're so many people here, this school is not just for humans, there're different races here Elf, Beast man, rabbit man and dwarf.

Crap! I need to go to the chairwoman's office before the opening ceremony begins.

I run my way there because I'm already late!

And! Safe~

*inhale * *knock knock*

"Come in"

"I'm sorry I'm late Ms. Bauwens"

"Oh my, Lady Estelle, it's alright you're just in time. Sit here ... "

So it's not just me and Claire, there are another 3 people here.

"Since Lady Estelle is now here let's get to the main point, the five of you here will be the next student council officers"

You're wondering why Ms. Bauwens use 'Lady' every time she mentions my name? It's because of our social standing, She's a chairwoman and one of the strongest mages in tedal but, I'm The eldest daughter of Alex Krueger, The royal family is the most powerful family in this kingdom and my family is second to them. So in this world it's common to talk to the person younger than you with honorifics.

Well I don't care about that, since she's older than me using honorifics to the person younger than you is a little bit uncomfortable, for me alright? for me.

"Student council? What about the previous officers?" [Blonde girl]

"Ah, we already resolve that, besides those people will graduate soon it's a great opportunity for them to focus on their studies"

"Is that so, Then can I ask who's the president? Or do we need to elect one?"

"Oh about that, I already assigned your president"

I don't know why, but I hate something about this girl.

"I see. Who is it? Is it Dylan? Damn Dylan you beat me!"

"No. It's not him"

Her mood change when Ms. Bauwens correct her. But I have a bad feeling about this ….

"What? Then who?"

"It's Lady Estelle."

She looked at me as if I'm trash.

"Her? Ms. Bauwens you can stop fooling around now, its Dylan ... Right?"

If my level is lower than her, this aura might have been a trouble for me. Who is this girl to talk to Ms. Bauwens like that?

"Do I look like I'm fooling around Ms. Sabrina Hermans?"

This time Ms. Bauwens answer her letting them know that she's pissed.

"n-no I'm sorry"

She goes back to her seat and stayed silent for a while.

"As I'm saying earlier, Lady Estelle is going to be the student council president, she may not look like it but Lady Estelle has the highest level out of the five of you"

Um how did she actually know my level? My Parents doesn't know it either, Or maybe she's just guessing? That's not nice Ms. Bauwens!

"Ms. Bauwens I object! Why does it have to be this little girl to be the president, how can you so sure about her level? Aren't you being biased right now?"

Here it goes, she stayed silent for about 3 minutes and then starts talking.

"Why? Does Ms. Hermans know the best candidate for president? If you can give me one then I will think about it, now Ms. Hermans do you?"

I'm starting to feel scared to Ms. Bauwens I can see my mother to her. Scary!

"T-that is I don't ... but giving the president seat to this girl without us even knowing what she's capable of is absurd!"

I can't complain about that haha! But why is she so angry? It's not like I snatch this seat to someone.

"Do you want to fight her then?"

F-FIGHT?! Oi oi this isn't the time for that! And why does it come to this?!

"Huh?! If I fight this kid she'll die you know?"

D-die? Me? this girl really like to talk big ahaha. I'm starting to feel annoyed about this.

"You can just talk like that because you never fought her"

Claire??! This is bad, Claire has a short temper!

"Huh? Are you underestimating me?"

"No but you underestimate her."

I understand why Claire is angry right now. Well I didn't say anything until now that's why she can't take this girl's talking bullshit.

"Why is she that powerful? Then why's this little girl won't talk? Hey are you scared? You must be scared huh. hahahaha"

Scared? Me? Is this girl really provoking me?


Just because I didn't say anything doesn't mean she can talk to me as if she's above me.

"w-what? What is this?!" *staggers*

She broke out in a cold sweat when I release my suppressing aura.

"You talk big yet you can't even handle my aura? And all I hear today is your voice. ugh I really want to reap that mouth of yours"

I looked at her as if she's a vermin, and when she met my eyes her face began to turn pale as if she saw a ghost.

"what? You want to know my level right? I'm so pissed right now because of you, what to do? I really want to kill you!"

I was about to reach her head when the chairwoman stopped me.

"You can stop now Lady Estelle, I'm sorry if she upsets you. I apologize on her behalf"

What? I don't need her apology.

"I don't need any apology Ms. Bauwens. But can I ask you why's this kind of people are here? If she becomes one of the student council she will abuse it, judging from her behavior today she's not qualified to be part of student council"

She's not even officially part of student council yet she dares to act like this?

"I thought she's good too but I didn't thought that she'll be this kind of person. But since you already resolve it yourself, does everyone here oppose Lady Estelle for being the president?"

Ah. It looks like everyone really doesn't like this Hermans girl they look at me with those sparkling eye! Why?!

"It looks like there's none. Lady Estelle will be the one who assign your position after the Opening ceremony. And Ms. Hermans you can go now, you're not qualified to be part of student council"

She leaves the room without a fuss and after that together with the chairwoman we head to the opening ceremony auditorium.

It started first from the principal giving speech and welcoming the new students, to Ms. Bauwens introducing us to everyone, even the junior and senior student s are here out of curiosity.

"I welcome everyone, the future leaders, powerhouses, and scholars of Tedal to this humble Academy. I am Amanda Bauwens, Please call me Head director and do not be afraid to say hello when I walk around campus. I am no good with speeches so I stand here before you mages today to say hello and introduce to you the Student Council that represent this Academy and take part as my representative. Please give them a warm welcome."

She waves her hand that was raised up and one by one, we members of council start walking out.

Dylan is first to walk because of his cool aura and a face that is hard to read as he walks, there's a breeze of wind that made his hair pushed back enough for everyone to see his face, a wave of shrill screams from girls can hear from the audience. Behind him is Claire with her unapproachable aura sipping out.

Oi oi aren't that Dylan bastard a little bit annoying? What was that about wind? Is he in a fantasy world? Seriously stop that, it's sickening.

Behind her walked out a tall student with his playboy face. The way he held himself is kind of annoying. he reeked of an annoying goody-two-shoes bastard attitude, just so you know I hate his presence that's all.

note: Third person pov.

Finally, the last to arrive actually made the crowd silent. The beautiful Bluish silver hair that reflected the lights in the auditorium gave her tranquility glow as her white as snow complexion made the boys gape. She turned to face the audience so that her round, red eyes that is as red as blood that feels like it can see through you captured the hearts of every boy in this auditorium.

Meanwhile Estelle has something different in her mind.

Am I being hated at? Why's everyone looking at me like that?!

"My name is Estelle Krueger and I am honored to stand here as this Academy's Student Council President."