CHAPTER 5 – Trouble on the first day of school

The incoming students that were cheering for each of the Student Council members fell silent when Estelle walked in. With her Bluish silver hair swaying behind her as each of her dignified steps echoed throughout the silent auditorium, she single-handedly changed the atmosphere inside this entire building.

As she bowed and tucked her hair behind her ear, a roar of applause erupted as both males and females alike cheered from admiration. As soon as Estelle started speaking, it was as if each of the students in the crowd covered each other's mouth so that they can hear her voice.

"My name is Estelle Krueger and I am honored to stand here as this Academy's Student Council President"

Murmurs started after the crowd once again cheered for their beautiful President.

"Oh my god! Krueger? As in the daughter of Duke Krueger?"

"Is it really her? Oh my god! She's really pretty!"

Estelle always decline the invitation sent for her that's why no one knows what she looks like, but everybody knows the name 'Estelle Krueger'

The audience was filled with different talks about Estelle but while for the males it revolved around how much of an unobtainable idol she is, for the females, it was a mixture of admiration and envy.

But there's one person in the crowd that's currently shivering in fears now that she knows who the person she insulted this morning.

As the crowd settled down enough for Estelle to start speaking again, Head Director silently back down.

She spoke about the principles of this Academy, how this is a holy ground where students should feel safe to walk freely around. Estelle emphasized the discipline one would face if anyone hurt another student outside of a consented duel.

"While I may be a first year as all of you are, having given the privilege to be inside the academy with you made it all too apparent to me that there is a deeply embedded discrimination against the White mages students by the Black mages students. I for one will not tolerate any sort of aggression or bullying based on the fact that one is a White Mages student."

Estelle's voice never waiver's as she stood behind the podium in fact a death glare was given to the crowd saying that she's not fooling around.

"Starting this year, while uniforms and the upper courses required may be different, for the first two years, general education, that contains the mixture of both White Mage classes and Black Mage classes will be mandatory for better assimilation between the two different types of students. After the two years is up, one may choose to switch their education specialization by taking a test, although it is a quite difficult one."

My last statement drew in dissatisfied complains from amongst the students in the crowd. All students, regardless of background had to test for either a White Mage or Black mage position. While both Claire and I didn't have to take a test due to Head director's personal invitation.

To get in as a White Mage, an incoming student only needs a basic foundation in magic, which is mana gathering. While they had to take a written exam to test their mental acuteness, the practical portion of the exam was much more simple, In White Mage it contains different course while it's not specialize in battle it's much more focus on researching, building and gathering information that's why majority in white mage is elf and dwarf. Black Mage students, however, had a much stricter practical exam, actually performing basic spells or techniques depending on their level. It may seem like a cakewalk for someone like me and Claire. I'll admit it could be quite a bit of challenge for someone who just learns magic.

Since I still didn't assign a vice president, the Head director take charge on announcing many changes in the Academy

"I will briefly explain the changes here in the Academy, first is that we will erase the requirements that you need to pass in order for you to graduate to earning points, I already explain this to the old students so the new students are the only one I need to explain this too. On your first year you need to gain 10,000 points you can earn it on your class and in competition inside the Academy, 10,000 points is not easy to gain so it's possible for you to complete it in two years. Once you complete the 10,000 points, you'll start with a new subject and need to complete 20,000 points every year you finish one task, it will get higher and higher and don't worry once you get the hang of it it'll be easy for you to gain points and the enough points for you to graduate is minimum of 500,000 points. Now that I explain everything you can now go to your dorms. You can ask your teachers if you still have questions."

When the students heard the head directors announcement every students are astounded they feel like they'll be here for quite longer than they expected. Everyone left the auditorium lifeless and speechless. It's so quiet to the point that you can hear a whisper from a distance.

But still, 10,000 points in your first year? That's difficult to obtain regardless on your background.

We decided to leave through the front door since we don't have anything to do to head director's office, as we heading out we saw the students crowding not too far from auditorium so we head there to investigate it. As we get closer and closer we heard someone cussing and insulting another student.

"Why's a vermin like you here huh?! I can't believe that a dog like you got accepted here!"

"What? You're not the only one who has the rights to study here! Stop pestering me and scram!"

"A dog like you orders me to leave? Just who do you think you are! I will show you that we're not on the same level!"

We're still a little bit far so all we can hear is their yell. But then


Magic! And it's strong! Crap if he fired that the other guy will get hurt!

"Dylan go and cast a barrier between them, I will stop the person who will cast that spell"

"Yes president"

Alright, let's stop this nauseous show of them.

"Let's see you stop this attack of mine! ... BLAZING BOMB!"

"How about you stop there?" Oh I made it in time.

Dylan cast a barrier protecting the other student and the other council called the head director.


He can't cancel his attack? He's here showing off his skills and can't even cancel it? What a fool.

Before he releases his attack I slight tap his right hand enough for his spell to go up and explode, can't grasp the situation he looked at me nervously because he got caught at act bullying someone.

"Mr. I-don't-know-what-name-is care to explain what's happening here?"

I stared at him bitterly as if I was burning a hole in him. But instead explaining himself he apologized and bow down to the ground.


"I see. Attacking him out of nowhere just because he told you to stop pestering him got you"


Bullseye huh, I can't believe this guy. I clearly said earlier that there will be punishment of bullying someone.

"Causing trouble right after the opening ceremony are you stupid? You must be thinking I'm fooling around when I said there's a punishment to those who broke the rules. Tsk. Dylan took this guy to the head director"

I'm really pissed now. do they think I'm fooling around? This guy need punishment, his punishment will be a good example of how serious I am.

"No need for that Lady Estelle"

She's already here? That's fast.

"Young man what's your name?" Oh right I didn't ask his name.

"I'm mathias Renson head director"

"So you're the son of Jules Renson? I know your father, but it didn't change the fact that you break the rules. Bullying someone just because of their race is unforgivable. Your punishment will be on hold until the student council is done recruiting the members of Disciplinary committee"

"Yes! I'm sorry"

"That's the first time I heard that!"

"It's because I only said it now"


"Everyone go to your dorm now. And you young boy what's your name?"

Hey! Listen to me!

"Ah yes. I'm David Vandaele"

"You're a beastman? What classes are you?"

"I'm in the Black Mage class"

So he's more talented in magic. He seems intelligent too. Oh!! I have a good idea fufu

"*Flinch*" – Claire

"Wait Head director, is it alright if I talk to him?"

"Yeah sure go ahead"

"Do you .... "

*gulp* [everyone]

".... Want to join the student council?"


What are they yelling about?!

"What? Are you against it?"

"No it's just that he just got into an argument and he seems upset, you should let him cool down first before asking him!"

"Eh? Is that so? Then ... Join the student council and you go cool down!"


"Geez. What is it now?"

��Stop this for now president! You'll scare him, he mi-"

"u-um is it alright for me to join?"

"Huh? He's sparkling huh? Huh??" – Claire

"Of course! I personally choose you so it's ok."

"Ms. Claire I thought president is a scary person, Am I wrong?"- Dylan

"She's scary sometimes, but as you can see she's like that you don't what her thinking so it's scary in a different situation"

"I see."

"Now that the student council is complete I'll call you all later so you can go back now to your dorm"


All that's left is, the head director .... Eh? She's ... gone eh?

Well, whatever I need to start looking for Disciplinary Committee members. I saw some people who have potential earlier, shall I go visit them?

I can't go the boy's Dormitory. Let's head to the cafeteria first.

I went to the cafeteria to eat and to look for this guy, but the way they look at me it's kind of excruciating. I just wanted to buy some food *sniff*

I wait in line to buy those sandwiches, after paying I search for a free table but they're all occupied I was about to give up when I suddenly saw an empty table. I went there and it already has someone using it. Oh! An empty seat lucky!

"Excuse me."

I tried to talk to him and ask if I can sit with him since there is no available seat. He was so shocked when I looked at him closer since he's not answering me.


"W-woah! Sorry. Can I sit here? You see there's no available seat other than this. Is it ok?"

He just stare at me for a minute, He was about to answer me when I heard everyone gossiping.

"That's the president! She talked to him, why?"

"Idiot! Because she's pitying him what else?"

"Aren't you heard the rumors about that guy? I heard he's cursed!"

Cursed? Is this another type of bullying? Spout nonsense and spread it?


He didn't say anything. I don't care about those rumors what I want right now is to sit! Fcking hell.

"So am I allowed to sit here? I really want to sit now"

He stared at me again with this baffled look on his face as if he didn't hear what I said.

"She asked him! She asked him if it's ok to sit with him!"

Those fuckers are starting to get annoying. I stare back at him to let him know I'm waiting.

"Ah yes. You can"

Here it is! I waited for exactly 15 minutes for his answer!

"I see. Thank you"

I sit across him and start eating the sandwich I bought, while I'm eating I decided to make an earrings for the council members, it's for communicating. They can talk to everyone as long as they are in the council. Am I forgetting something? I feel like I have something else to do today, what is it?

Hmmmm! ...….. The cafeteria is noisy and I can't focus on thinking. It got worse when three no two upperclassmen came to the cafeteria. It's so noisy that I give up on thinking.

"Kyaaaaa! It's Sir Miguel!"

A tall and long haired guy enters and every girl in this cafeteria yell on the top of their lungs, behind him is a pink haired girl reeked of an all-mighty attitude and last is a first year like me why's he hanging out with them? Wait is it a girl? No a guy, at first glance you will think that guy is a girl because of his feminine face and figure he's slightly taller than the pink haired girl but everything about him is like a girl.

Seeing that the cafeteria turn into a mess, I decided to leave and look for those guys. I don't know what came to me but before I leave I look at the person in front of me and realize that he's one of the people I'm looking for.


I'm so happy that I forgot that I'm still at the cafeteria, I unintentionally raise my voice when I realized that it's him. Hearing my voice everyone look at me, confuse, even the three upperclassmen notice me.

But just like me this guy is surprise as well.

"Ah. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you but can I talk to you for a moment? I want to ask you something"

Waiting for his response and I notice that it's not just me who is waiting. I take a quick look behind me and saw everyone looking at us. This is bad if this continue he might reject my offer! Oh I still didn't tell him, but what if he just leaves?

"um. Are you going to ask me here? It's just that everyone is looking it might be bad for you"

Hmm? Is he worried about me being sneer at?

"It's okay, I don't mind. If you like we can go to another place"

"No it's okay. What is it that you want to talk about?"

"Can you join the Disciplinary Committee?"

The students who heard me got a little noisy. As everyone knows that the Disciplinary Committee is the people who are allowed to use their magic. The one I invited is the most surprised. Many students didn't like it and feeling envy to the guys I invite personally.

He looks like his soul left him, Hey~ Come back! Oh he's coming back to his senses. As he was about to fully recover the two upperclassmen and one First year came to me.

"You're the upperclassmen right? I heard you're looking for DC members?"

Are they in the opening ceremony this morning?

"Ah yeah"

I already set my eyes on those people so I'm not interested on inviting them. I also hate their presence for some reason.

"Is that so. Then can we join? As you can see we have a lot of influence here in Academy so it'll help you reduce the rule breakers."

This guy, He's looking down on me isn't he? I don't care though. I'll just ignore them.

"It's hard to talk here let's go to the Student council office. I'll answer all your questions there"

The girl got pissed when I ignore them and started to make a fuss.

"Hey newbie. Just because you're the Student council president doesn't mean you can ignore us huh? Don't get full of yourself!"

Why is she mad? Does ignoring them hurts? Then I'll ignore them. Even if I answer it���s still doesn't change the fact that they won't be part of DC.

"Let's go. It's noisy here"

I said and grab his arms to get out from cafeteria but I got blocked by this pink haired girl.

"You really like to piss me off huh? Do you know who I am?"

Is this a common catchphrase here? Asking me if I know them? This time I answered her.

"No. And I don't care who you are, now please move. You're annoying"

I said, just so you know I'm not provoking her. I just told her to move.

"What? You ask for it! Don't blame for what happen afterwards!"

Now I'm certain, I'm a trouble magnet. The hell is wrong with this girl?


Let's finish this and go out I need to look for the other guys too.

"I don't know who you are but attacking the Student council president will get you punished severely, You already know the rules since you're our senior, you want to join the disciplinary committee because you want to punish who break the rules right? But base on your attitude the only thing important to you is the position and the permission to used magic. I'm the president and you dare to talk to me like you're in a right position to do that, If you're referring to your family's status then I won't be the one in trouble, it's you. I don't intend to use my family's status but since you're stupid let me introduce myself. I am Estelle Krueger the first born daughter of Alex Krueger and Lyndys Krueger. Nice to meet you"

Everyone's awestruck after I say my name. The crowd went silent as they saw the girl tried to attack me without knowing who I am.

"What? Has the cat got your tongue? Why aren't you saying anything?"

The all-mighty attitude she got disappeared all of a sudden, the tall guy also getting a cold sweat since he approach me with confidence. The only guy who didn't say anything from the start is the feminine one.

"If you don't have any business with me, move. You're in the way"

Terrified by my voice she automatically moved out of the way while shaking in fears. I didn't mean to drag my family's status here but I don't have a choice instead of fighting her I will just solve it peacefully.

"Let's go. Anyway that guy at the back. You with the red hair follow me."

We left the cafeteria to move to another place, as soon as we got out the cafeteria Became noisy again. This is driving me crazy.

The two followed me until we got into the student council office.

"You can anywhere you want, you guys already have an idea why I dragged you here right? I ask you again are you interested on joining the Disciplinary committee?"

The red hair guy just stare at me and the other guy seems thinking about it. Well if I were in their shoes I would get confuse too.

"Excuse me, but why me?"

Why? He should already know the answer, why's he asking me? for assurance?

"What do you mean why? I need strong people to be the members of DC"

".... Whatever do you mean? You can see that I'm weak"

Is he trying to fool me? Or just feigning ignorance?

"You see, I can ascertain how the level of Magic in whoever it sees. Just assume it's no use pretending to be a weakling around me"

Well that's the gist of it. That's why it's easy for me to spot someone strong. I don't just base it on their level but also their personality. I can see the color of their Mana so looking at their personality won't be a problem to me.

"I see. But I'm serious won't this guy be enough?"

"No no. I need five people."

I won't let you refuse! Fufufu. I already made up my mind that you're joining the committee. Kukuku


In the end he still joined the committee despite being so against it, he can't come up with another excuse so he gave up.

"I told you I won't let you get away fufufu"


"That's right, your name is? I didn't get a chance to ask you earlier cause' I'm busy persuading you."

'So you're aware huh'

"Hmm? Did you say something?"

"Ah no nothing. I'm Julien Claeys Black Mage class"

"Welcome Julien! Now let me speak to you Mr. red hair"

I dragged him here yet he's just staying still not saying any word.

"You already know why you're here right? I want you to join the Disciplinary committee"

"Ah yes I'll join"

I see, I don't think that he'll refuse me but I won't let him get away from me! Wait .... What did he say?

"Er, can you repeat that?"

"Yes, I'll join"

"WHAT?! That's fast, I thought you'll refuse. So what's your name?"

Is he friends with those two earlier? Or maybe he just tagged along since they have the same goal? No point thinking about it I'll just ask him

"I'm Alois Louage Black mage class"

Louage? I think I heard that name somewhere before? Where is it? Ah!! That's right, when I came home from Cliffrose, someone visits us that night. Dieter Louage, he's the head of house Louage and one of the prestigious family in Tedal. I didn't pay attention to him that much since my brother's pestering me about watching him gather mana.

"Son of duke Dieter Louage? Is that right?"

I didn't think I'll meet him here, I don't know his face until now cause' he usually don't go outside their house so my shadows don't know him too, my shadows were scattered all over the kingdom so I know what kind of situation he was in before he got in to the Academy. As far as I know his brother is already attending this Academy. He must be thinking that joining the Disciplinary committee will help him protect himself from his brother, well he's actually not wrong since the Disciplinary committee is under the Student council president, So basically it's my responsibility if something happens to them not that I'll allow it to happen.

"Ah yes. Second son of duke Dieter Louage, Alois Louage"

"I see. Well, let's brush that thing aside, Welcome to the Disciplinary Committee Alois."

"Yes. Please take care of me"

Now that I have two DC I need to search those four. Ah maybe Entros can do it


'Yes my lady'

'Look for this guys, I'll give you their names go look for them. Contact me when you found them'

'As you wish my lady'

"You two stay here. I need to finish something don't leave okay"

I left the two in my office to get the extra ore in my room I should start making those earrings before the others came. When I got back to my room, I saw Claire sleeping. This girl she really doesn't care anything in this world huh?

"Hey! Wake up!"

I smack her butt to wake her up.

"It hurts! Elle what was that for geez! Huh? You're back."

This girl, I want to beat the hell out of her *sigh*

"Yes. I'm just here to get my ore. I'm going to make earrings for the council members"

"Earrings? For what?"

"hmm? So that we can communicate with each other even if we're miles apart, Huh? Where did I put it again? Ah here it is"

"I see. So where are you going now? There's still time until the other came"

"I'm going back to the student council office, you see I already invited two Disciplinary Committee members and I left them there"

"Oh! As expected from you. Then I'll go with you ahahah"

So carefree hahaha

"Do as you wish"

Er, why's this ore color red? Is it evolving? Well whatever. We're on our way to the student council office when entros reported back.

'I see. One of them is in the arena watching the upperclassmen's sparring, the other three already know each other and are heading to the office'

Fufufufu. It looks like I don't need to look for them anymore. Fufufufu

"Geh! Elle your laugh is creepy!"

"Shut up!"

When we reach the student council office, I saw everyone there. What? Is there some kind of meeting I didn't know? There's still time before I call them.

"Huh? Everyone what are you doing here?"

Dylan saw me first and greets.

"Welcome back president"

Why do I feel like I'm a president of a big company?! Tell me why?!

"Er, Yeah I'm back. So what are you all doing here? It's still early"

"No. it's just that we still didn't introduce ourselves"

!!!! I completely forgot about that!! I don't know their names! I'm a fool *sigh*

"Sorry, I forgot ehehe. But we can do that later, Er, Dylan can you get this person for me?"

I show him the information about this person and told him where he can see him.

"Yes. I'll leave right away"

"Thanks. We'll wait until Dylan came back, so for now relax first."

They find their own places to wait and relax. I notice Julien looking at me nervously. But I decided to ignore it and proceed to making an earring. It's easy to make and earring through an ore so I can finish it before Dylan get's back.

I have 3 different color of ore, Red, Blue and Yellow. I started dividing the red ore into three and used my mana to shape it into earring and done! I divide the blue in five and yellow in four, used a little bit of mana and there you have it. See, so simple and easy right?

I got absorb from making the earring that I didn't notice everyone watching me closely.

"Woah! You guys startle me!"

"I'm sorry, but pres what are you doing? The ore earlier became an earring, what will you do with that many earrings?"

"Ah here you can take one, I made it for everyone. I'll explain later so go grab yours and wear it"

They wear it without asking a question and a light came out from each earring. It's working, as expected from me fufu

"Oh. It looks good on you, don't remove it okay"

I can see their sparkling eyes, it's hard to look! Hmm? It has two more extra earrings why? I knew it, those two didn't get one.

"Here I told you to grab your own earrings, I made it just for you. Here wear it"

I handed over the earrings I made to them. They hesitate at first but give in the end. You give up you lose! Just like the other four the earrings shine after wearing it.

Satisfied by my own work, we heard a knock. Claire opens it and the three people that I've been expecting to come stands there.

"Yes, may I help you?"

Claire asks them.

"Is the president here? We want to apply for disciplinary committee position"

Oho. Straight to the point

"Elle. Someone wants to meet you"

"Let them come in"

They enter one by one and walk towards me. This three are noticeably nervous, they must've take a lot of courage before coming here. How did I know? They're pale. Hahaha

"G-good day president! We heard this morning that you're currently looking for members of Disciplinary committee"

"Yes. I am. Why?"

It's not like I'll send them away, I just want to tease them a little. Because I can clear read their face! I can't help it!

"Is it alright for us to join? We've been waiting for a right moment to talk to you, we decided to approach you back at the cafeteria but the upperclassmen beats us to it after that you got into a fight with that girl and leaves, We didn't follow you because you looked pissed"

They saw it huh? They also got scared! Oh dear me, I should've control myself and ignore them completely.

"Hey what do you mean by that? Elle got in trouble again?"

"Pres! Who are they? Do you want to punish them right this instant?"

"Should I hunt them?"

What are these people talking about? Are they alright?

"Stop that, you'll scare them. So you three saw that huh? That's embarrassing. I'm sorry for that. Sit there first, we're waiting for the other one"

They are confuse but still followed me. But wait, Dylan is taking a bit long. Did something happen? I was about to leave my chair to look for him when he suddenly came back.

"What happened?!"

Claire said with a surprise voice, I looked up and see his state. There's blood in his head and so many cuts in his arms. What the? Seriously this Academy, just what kind of students does this school have?!

I approached him and saw another bruise on his stomach, today is still the first day and we already got into a lot of trouble. It looks like I need to make things clear.

"Dylan, what happened?"

I suppress my anger and ask him nicely. But despite me suppressing it everyone can clearly see my expression and backed out a bit.

"Dylan I'm asking you, what happened?"

I asked him again but he didn't reply. He bit his lips to stop it from talking. I see, they must have threatened him.

"I see. You don't want to answer me, then where is the guy I told you to?"

"I'm here"

This time he tried to answer but someone respond behind him, he walked in to let me see him. He got in trouble but still carry the duty I gave him he'll die if he continues this kind of habit. Is this related to being the council members? The upperclassmen didn't respect the council like the new students, thinking that they can do whatever they want to us. Should I crush them? Yeah let's do that, I'll hunt those bastards and make them suffer.

"Everyone, take Dylan to the infirmary. Claire go and get head director. The DC you join them, don't leave Dylan alone no matter what. And you the guy who Dylan brought stay here"

"What about you Elle?"

"I have something to take care of, I'll join you guys later. Now go"

As soon as they leave I face the guy and ask him ….

"What happened there?"

"Ah yes, when sir Dylan approach me there are five upperclassmen that's tailing him, he told me to pretend that I didn't notice those guys and he proceed to his business with me. But those guys start attacking sir Dylan, he just stood there blocking their attacks enough not to reach me. He didn't fight back until those guys leave him alone so beat up. They also said that if he told you what happens there they will hunt the other council"

This time I can no longer hold my anger and release my magic enough for it to cover the whole building. The young guy that is currently shaking in fear stumbled and couldn't stand anymore.

I clear my magic around him so that he can feel at ease.

"I'll fucking kill them"

Are the only words I says. I leave in haste to look for those guys and left him to the office.

'Calas go and find them, don't let them escape'

'Yes my lady'

"You're fucking dead"

Meanwhile at the Amanda Bauwens's Office

"Head director!"

Claire barge in without so the head director got startled by her.

"Holy! Claire stop slamming the door like that, what now?"

"That's not important right now! Dylan got hurt and is currently on their way to the infirmary. But the most important thing is Elle is really mad!"

She got surprised by the news Claire brought in, and immediately go to the infirmary but the most concerning for her is Estelle, the Estelle that's currently mad. She didn't predict this situation since the upperclassmen in the past didn't pick a fight with the old council. She's also worried what could possibly happened if Estelle fights them. The thing is she witness Estelle's rampaging back 2 years ago. And it's not something you can just stop.

'This is bad.'

As she was about to reach the infirmary when they sensed this strong bloodlust coming from everywhere, it's too strong for the students who's inside this building to handle.

"Ms. Bauwens! This is from Elle! She must've found out what really happened to Dylan, those guys are in trouble!"

Exactly what Amanda is thinking, but she needs to confirm Dylan's condition first.

Every student inside the building felt this bloodlust is shaking in fear and don't know what to do, even if this bloodlust is not directly form they can't help but feel like it'll be their end.

Dylan and the other council and DC members felt it too. it's as if someone is watching them from above. They feel like their limbs are crumbling to dust.

"My lady this is I ender, what do you want me to do?"

"watch those guys from the infirmary. If someone tries to harm them kill'em"

"as you wish"

Right now Estelle is on her way to where those upperclassmen are, they're on the cafeteria celebrating because they beat one of the council, little did they know that Estelle can hear everything their conversation

"You see him right? HAHAHAH! He didn't even move from that place to protect that little twerp! Serves him right AHAHAHA"

"HAHAHAH but now that I found out that the council will not fight back, we can use them to entertain us AHAHAHHA"

"Right right! HAHAHAHA and their president will never know that her members are suffering AHAHAHAH"

The five of them laugh at the top their lungs and didn't notice that Estelle is listening to them. The people from cafeteria is terrified because they can see Estelle's expression, she looked at them as if they are an ant waiting for their predator to end them.

They only noticed her when she talks.

"I hope you can entertain me too right?"

As if a cold water splash them, the moment they heard someone talking behind them, they slowly turn their head to see who that person is but when they saw her their faces become pale and words won't come out from their mouths, they are too terrified to talk they can't see Estelle but a monster.

The person standing behind them is the president of the student council, if you can see her face you will ask yourself if she really is a human the face that you can never look at and if you do you'll see yourself getting killed miserably she's like a monster who you can only see in your nightmare. That is currently those five students see, shaking in fear they are so horrified to the point that they begged her to spare their life.

"I-im so sorry! P-please don't kill me! I'm so sorry!"

They begged and begged but she just stare at them and smile that smile makes them shivers to their spine. Estelle is determined to ruin their life so that they will never be able to recover. She move and reach her hand to the guy who's talking about making the council their entertainment.

"come on, entertain me. It's no fun watching you getting scared. I didn't even started yet you're already cowering like an insect"

The guy she grabbed wet his pants and cried like a child begging her to let him go, disgusted by it Estelle throw him to the wall enough for him to faint. She then grab the other two who's talking to the guy she threw earlier the same thing happened but instead of throwing them too, she punched their faces to the extent that their faces turned unrecognizable. The other two fainted from fear but Estelle didn't let them get away without getting punished and wakes them up.

"hey wake up don't faint yet, I'm not done with you, you need to get hurt for you to learn your lesson"


His yell can hear in every corner of this building, every students can imagine what happened to that guy. After the loud voice disappears the bloodlust that wrapped around the students disperse and they can normally breathe again.

The head director and the other council members witness Estelle torture those upperclassmen, they're not even the one who get punished but they can know how terrifying to be in their shoes. Before Estelle leave the upperclassmen alone she announce no rather she warns everyone in the cafeteria that if they tried to cause' trouble or pick a fight with the council members and Disciplinary committee she will punished them worse than what she did to those people.

Everyone nods simultaneously and Estelle leaves the cafeteria.

'I think I overdid it'

Estelle is about to reach the door of the cafeteria when she saw the head director and the council/DC. She's so focused punishing the upperclassmen that she didn't noticed that everyone followed her.

"Huh? What are you doing here? What about Dylan? Is he okay?"

They can't believe that Estelle is back to her normal self after torturing those five, she talk to them like nothing happened in the cafeteria.

'Scary' – Council/Disciplinary Committee

"Hey. Are you okay?"

"Elle you're scary"

Everyone turned around and look at Claire cause' she just said what they are all thinking right now without hesitation.

"Is that so? Anyways let's go back to the infirmary Dylan must be lonely by now"

Estelle walked out of the cafeteria like nothing. The members followed her and started to feel at ease when they felt that Estelle is already backs to her usual self.

Meanwhile the head director picks the five upperclassmen up and head to the purgatory, where the punished students gather. They will be there until their bruises are completely healed.