You might think you know me
But how could you ?
I don't even know myself
I struggled with a lot of things
Still do
I was embarrassed by my emotional battles
But no more
Today I am where I am
I know who I am
I know what I need to do
Even if I don't know what I want
No more overthinking
No more being ashamed of my nature
I know who I am
I know what I need to do
Thought about proving myself to others
But who cares ...
Not me
I proved myself to myself
That's what truly counts
I don't need the others' opinions
I am who I want
I am who I am
I am proud of who I am
Proud of what I am
No matter my choices
I am still me
And always will be
True to myself
You don't know me
Neither do I
but that's okay
Because I'm proud
Of who I am
Of who I became