Fight me
challenge me
listen to me
hug me
adore me
read between my lines
tell me
show me
don't pressure me
let me dominate
look at me
trust me
rule hell
play with my hair
run as fast as you can
deep down I'm broken
but I will never ever shed tears
eyes don't match the smiles I wear
laughs sound hollow, like I'm lost somewhere
hesitant when near you and forcing myself to carry on
you see me break, even for a split second
because I can't always act strong
They say
the loneliest people are the kindest
the saddest people smile the brightest
the most damaged people are the wises
and yet no one notices
I'm like the moon – a part of me is always hidden
I'm like the sun – a part of me always shining
and yet no one notices
a wild spirit
with its ethereal glimmer
an alluring rainbow
in a blinding storm
a magnetic star
is my hidden treasure
a delicate snowflake
my mysterious force
the colourful breeze
is a powerful beauty
believe the deafening universe
it's a sweet wonder
I will keep it 100% real
might be prideful
always loyal to a fault
sometimes a leader
forever spontaneous
never a know-it-all
weirdly enoug a human lie detector
that is false - excellent kisser
unquestionabely I speak fluent sarcasm
but try ne and I will knock your lights out
For I am satan's dragon
some of us are born…
out of this world
with galaxies running through our veins
down to earth
with rose petals pumping out of their hearts
some might be both and are most radiant
think too much
end up making myself sad
you could make a movie from the things I've seen
so I'm running wild
I'm intense
always the colour of the night sky
I might be dark, but I sparkle
my imperfections is my beauty
my madness is my genius
and I'm better absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring
all nature's beauty
and so are we
I'm tough
I'm emotional
and sadly I'm focused on the past
which makes it hard to think about the future
but I never give up
and that makes me who I am
My recipe:
1 cup of fire
2 cups of snuggles
5 cups of energy
a dash of emotion
2 cups of passion
itchy knitted scarves
unerasable red lipstick
glowing fairy lights
frewshly cut lemongrass
dusty old books
puffed up balloons
never minimalistic
my heart is a weapon of war
artistic but mystical
you can love a monster
it can even love you back
but that doesn't change it's nature
cinammon, clove, orange
white jasmine, winter rose
rose quarts
dragon fire, the devils laugh, silver
rain, clouds, snow
flower petals, fairy dust, siren tears
stars, a black hole in the galaxy
lucid dreams
Is all you need
I am one of the nicest people you will ever meet
but mess with me
or those I love
and I will fuck you up
with a smile on my face
and a song in my heart
but don't worry I'll hold them until they feel alright
I love to argue
but never means to hurt their feelings
I'm passionate about who and what they love
but super lazy- secretly athletic
creative as fuckin a weird way
very cuddly and clingy when tired
Intimidating however usually very kind and easy to get along with
sadly seem to attract drama
but is probably because of my newly developed take-no-shit attitude