005 | talk of girls

Natasha wasn't surprised when Cassie got to know Baker because he was popular at Jones High School. She wouldn't refute that Baker was such a hottie. Refuting such a fact would be an absolute lie.

"You know that I'm dead by tomorrow because of a lie that Mister Cinnamon told to complicate things!" she didn't want to get herself more into trouble. "And don't tell that Mister Cinnamon is my boyfriend!"

"Oh," it just dawned on Cassie that Natasha would be in trouble.

"I need to talk to that Mister Cinnamon to clear these, but he disappeared like it was intentional!" she wanted Baker to apologize because of what he caused. "You have to help me, Cass!" she pleaded.

Cassie fidgeted her fingers. "I don't know if I can help you, Nat. If I'm being honest here."

It puzzled her. "Why!? Why can't you, Cass!?"

"First of all, I'm not friends with him. Second, he's popular, but he's known to be cold because he doesn't hang out with anyone. You can hardly see him on sight around the school," Cassie reasoned.

It also dawned to her that she shouldn't force Cassie to be involved in this or it might get even more complicated.

"Forget it, Cass," she didn't want Cassie to get involved.

"I didn't particularly tell I can't help you. I just don't know if I can be a help, so I stated those reasons," Cassie explained. "But I don't mind lending a help if you want to talk to Mister Cinnamon."

"No, I shouldn't let you," she refused.

"Aw, come on! Don't worry about me, Nat. I'm going to be all right. All I have to do is to talk with him, it's not like something bad would happen, and besides, Mister Cinnamon saved you there, so I think he's not bad," Cassie wanted to help her.

She couldn't deny Baker saved her there, but she could have handled it alone since she was taught by Diana how to escape in such an alarming situation. And it didn't help that Baker told something that caused misunderstanding, so it didn't help her at least on her viewpoint.

"I can handle it alone, you know that, Cass," she reasoned. She mentioned to Cassie before that she was trained by Diana in defending herself. "Mister Cinnamon could have just helped me and shut up, but he didn't! He told such a bold statement to Senior Lawrence that he's my boyfriend!"

Cassie couldn't understand it either. "To be honest, I don't know why Mister Cinnamon did that though. I mentioned before that he doesn't hang out with someone. So why did he?"

She didn't want to stress about it anymore. "Let's just eat and talk something else inside the McDonald's, shall we?"

Cassie nodded. "All right. Let's."

She went with Cassie inside the McDonald's. She beamed once she smelled the scent of the fast-food chain. She was excited to place her order on the counter.

"As for making up for not stepping in earlier, I'll treat you for free," Cassie offered.

She shook her head. "No need, Cass. I'll treat you for free instead."

Cassie held her left hand, pleading. "Please let me treat you for free today, hm? You treated me for free in our last meeting, so let me do it."

She would certainly treat Cassie for free next time. "Sure. Just let me treat you for free next time, all right?"

Cassie nodded with a smile. "Of course!"

Natasha told to Cassie that she would like to have a McDonald's burger, regular French Fries, and regular Sprite drink. Cassie didn't know what to eat, so she would just have what Natasha wanted. It didn't take them for long to get their orders.

Natasha unwrapped the wrapper of the McDonald's burger to take a bite on it. "Delicious!"

"It is," Cassie agreed although she already knew what a McDonald's burger tasted like, and that was the same case for Natasha too.

"I'm thankful that you managed to eat and talk with me, Cass. You know that there isn't a lot of chances to do so," Natasha was too grateful because she didn't know when would the next time come.

Cassie smiled. "I agree."

"I hope Senior Lawrence would just forget about it and move on, but knowing those hurtful words of his, I think he wouldn't," Natasha looked gloomy of thinking what would happen tomorrow. "I don't want to get more attention than this."

Cassie didn't want her precious best friend to look gloomy. "I'm serious that I can help you although the odds would be low of talking to Mister Cinnamon. I don't want you to make a troubled look like that. You're not just a somebody, Nat. You're a friend, a best friend of mine. So let me help."

Natasha smiled, touched at what Cassie told. "I appreciate it so much, Cass. Just don't force it if Mister Cinnamon doesn't like it, but then again he's the one who's wrong for telling such a lie."

"I find Mister Cinnamon so odd. Remember that I told you he's cold and never seen hanging out with others, so it's still a question. You have a point that he should have just zipped his mouth for good if he helped, but the fact he told a lie? What a mystery," Cassie had a headache of figuring out what was the reason of Baker.

Natasha hoped that she would get to know why Baker told a lie once she got a chance to talk to him.