006 | her nice nap

"I really had a lot of fun today, Nat," Cassie beamed, but then she got sad when she remembered that it was time for them to part ways. "I believe we'll see each other again."

"Of course we will, Cass!" she believed.

"Goodbye, Nat," Cassie waved her right hand.

"Uh, Cass?" she called the attention of Cassie in which Cassie looked at her, anticipating what she had to tell. "I'm not forcing you to do it, you know? You can forget about it."

Cassie got that Natasha meant was talking to Baker. "But I choose not to forget about it. Don't worry about me, I think I'll just do fine. If Mister Cinnamon doesn't want to, I can't compel him, you do know that, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I do. I hope the trouble wouldn't even get larger than it is."

Cassie wouldn't want that either. "You're right."

She smiled. "We'll see each other again at another time, Cass. Goodbye."

She and Cassie went in different directions.

She passed by a park that was near to her home. She decided that she would go to the park for no reason before going home. Going to the park never failed to make her mind at peace.

She saw a swing in the park, so she sat there and started swinging at a slow pace. She got surprised when she saw someone was handing her a cheap candy that you could buy in the convenience store. She looked at the person who was handing her the cheap candy.

It was a little kid around six years old. She didn't know if the kid was around her neighborhood or not. She didn't like going out without a reason, so she wasn't familiar with the neighborhood either.

It would be rude to refuse when someone was willing to give the candy, so she would accept it. "Thank you, uh..." she trailed off since she didn't know the name of the little kid.

"Leon, Leon Speaker. I live around here," the little kid introduced himself.

"Oh, I'm Natasha Lee, Leon," she introduced herself. She was concerned at Leon since no one was in the park except the two of them. "You should be at home right now because the dusk will turn into the night later."

"I can tell the same thing, Sis Natasha," Leon replied.

She couldn't give him an answer because she also should be at home by now. "So uh, why did you give me a candy, Leon?"

"Someone told me that giving candy to the person who's alone won't feel lonely at least," Leon answered.

She wondered who was that someone that Leon told, but she didn't bother to ask who. "Yeah, I do feel a lot better. It worked."

Leon beamed. "For real!?"

She nodded. "Of course! Besides, you're here, Leon, so I'm not alone."

"Leon!" Leon heard the voice of his mother, calling him.

"That's my Mom calling!" Leon informed. "I have to go, Sis Natasha. But if I did, you'll be alone," he was worried.

She shook her head and then smiled. "You gave me this candy, right? So I won't be alone."

Leon realized that. "Oh, that's right!" And then he waved his right hand. "It's nice to talk to you, Sis Natasha!"

She was thankful that Leon went home first or else she couldn't leave him alone in the park. It was her turn to go home, so she stood up and proceeded to saunter on her way home.

It took her four minutes to return back home. She was welcomed by Bryan and Diana as usual. She hoped that Diana hadn't cooked something again.

"It's time to spill information, Dear," Bryan didn't forget about it.

"I'm all right, Pops," she assured.

Bryan looked sharply at her. "But I heard you have a boyfriend when I answered the call. Who is it? Is he a piece of— nevermind. You promised to tell your Pops, Dear! I'm hurt!"

She couldn't believe that Bryan heard that as well. "Don't jump into conclusions, Pops!"

"Oh my! You have to introduce him in an instant, Dear! I want to know if he's a degenerate man!" Diana wanted to know as well.

She was going to be a headache, so she needed to clear it up first. "Uh, can you please calm down, Mum, and Pops? I have no boyfriend, all right? I promised to tell you first if I have one."

"Th-Then who is that?" Bryan asked.

"I got to know his name because of the nameplate attached to his uniform. He's Mister Cinnamon who helped him from Senior Lawrence because Senior Lawrence was forcing me to hang out with him, but I don't get it why Mister Cinnamon introduced himself as my boyfriend. He should have just helped me, but he lied too!" she explained.

Diana got it. "So that's what happened huh."

"I get it! That Mister Cinnamon must have been a playboy! Beware of that wolf, Dear!" Bryan warned.

She didn't want to discuss it any further. "I'm going to take a nap, Mum, Pops. Wake me up if it's time for dinner."

She went upstairs to enter her room. She would change her attire later, but for now, she wanted to take a nap.