034 | harmonious tea

Leon saw Liam and Natasha from the distance and then stood from the swing to wave his right hand while he went near to where Liam and Natasha were. "Brother! Sis Natasha!"

Natasha beamed as soon as she saw Leon. "Leon!"

Liam was glad to see that Leon waited for them. "I'm—" it almost slipped from his mind that he wasn't alone. "I mean, we're back!"

Leon giggled when Liam patted his head.

"Leon!" Leon and Liam heard the voice of their mother, Katie Speaker, so their attention went to the source of the voice.

Katie noticed that it wasn't only Leon, but Liam was there with someone whom she wasn't familiar with. She had her hunch who was that someone, but it was better to confirm it.

"So Liam, mind telling me who's the beautiful girl over here?" Katie asked and then looked at Natasha.

"Oh, um, this is—" Liam was about to tell the name of Natasha, but she didn't let him finish.

"It's Natasha Lee, Madam Speaker," Natasha introduced herself.

Katie smiled. "I reckon you're the friend that Leon and Liam talked about. You're so beautiful, Natasha."

Although she knew that undeniable fact, she wasn't still used to being complimented sometimes especially when a stranger told it. Nonetheless, she was still delighted to hear a compliment from Katie.

Natasha chuckled. "Oh, um, thank you, Madam Speaker."

"Yes, she is, Mom!" Leon agreed.

"I'd like to have tea with you, don't you mind?" Katie asked.

"Sure," Natasha didn't mind. "Liam told me that you wanted to meet me, Madam Speaker, and I wanted to meet you, so I wouldn't refuse such an opportunity."

"Splendid!" Katie was delighted that Natasha accepted.

Before Natasha could forget, she should send a message to her parents on their group chat that she would arrive later than expected. She didn't want her parents to worry, so she composed a message right away once she unlocked her phone and then tapped the send. She slid her phone back in the pocket of her skirt after she locked her phone.

It took them three minutes to arrive at their destination.

Natasha noticed that the house looked a bit old, not because it had a pale paint or the status itself, more like it looked like a house that came from the 50s. She wondered if the parents of Liam were enthusiasts of vintage house designs.

Katie went straight to the kitchen. She didn't want Natasha to feel unwelcome, so she should prepare something for her.

Liam guided Natasha to the living room. He pointed out where she should sit. "Please sit here."

"Okay," Natasha did as what Liam told.

Leon sat beside Natasha. "Please make yourself home."

Natasha smiled. "I will, Leon."

"You accompany Natasha for me, Leon," Liam requested. "I'll help Mom, hm?"

Leon nodded. "I will, Brother!"

Liam smiled. "I know you're reliable, Leon."

Liam went to the kitchen. He saw that Katie placed the four glasses of orange juice on the tray.

"Need a hand, Mom?" Liam asked.

"You don't need to, Liam," Katie answered. She expected that he would insist, so she would speak before he would. "But if you insist, will you slice four slices of tiramisu?"

"Okay," Liam answered.

Liam opened the fridge to get the tiramisu cake. Once he had it, he held the cake knife and then started to slice four slices of the tiramisu cake. He placed each slice on the small plate.

He placed the four small plates and forks on the tray where the four glasses of orange juice were. He held the tray on both sides and then went to the living room. Katie would follow once she was done washing the other utensils that were used.

When he arrived in the living room, he placed the four glasses, small plates, and forks on the coffee table.

Natasha couldn't believe that she would get to taste a slice of tiramisu cake in the house of Liam. She recalled that whenever Bryan went home, he would bring some different slices of cake as a treat that he got from his superiors when he still wasn't promoted. Out of all those flavors, she liked the tiramisu cake the most.

"I'll eat it well," Natasha held the plate and then ate it. "Wow! It's excellent! It's like I ate an expensive cake from a famous cake shop!"

Katie heard what Natasha told. She went back to the living room and then sat down on the couch. "You think so?"

Natasha nodded. "Of course, Madam Speaker!"

Katie smiled. "I'm glad you like it."

"So what are your thoughts to Natasha, Mom?" Liam asked.

"I like her, Liam," Katie winked at Natasha. "You have a good friend, Liam. So make sure you will be good to her."

Natasha smiled. "Thanks, Madam Speaker," she placed the small plate back on the coffee table. "Liam's all good. I can call him a good friend."

Katie was relieved to hear that.