037 | the great library

"I'll be going!" Natasha informed her parents after she tied the shoelaces of her sneakers.

"Take care of yourself, Dear!" Diana reminded.

"I will, Mum!" she replied.

"See you later, Dear," Bryan waved his right hand.

She waved her right hand as well and then beamed. "Yeah, see you later, Pops!"

She sat down on the bench and then waited for the bus to arrive at the bus stop. It took two minutes until a bus came. She waited for the passengers to go off before she went up.

There were a lot of vacant seats. She didn't mind where she should sit, so she picked a seat that caught her attention. She sat down at the seat near the window where she could see the sight of the outside.

She didn't find the shows on the bus television interesting, so she unlocked her phone and then decided to tap the Netflix app. She was interested in the horror genre, so she browsed for it, and then scrolled down what movie synopsis looked intriguing. She was about to tap the Metamorphosis when she saw that YouTube notified her there was another gameplay from MagicalSinalice, so dismissed the Netflix app to transfer to the YouTube app.

Baker stood up from the seat when the bus arrived at the bus stop. He waited for the other passengers to step down, but no one did, so he stepped in. He placed his bus card to pay for the ride.

He looked around where he would sit. He saw Natasha who looked engrossed at her phone. He minded his own business, so he sat down to the seat where he preferred.

He unlocked his phone, plugged his wireless earphone, opened the Spotify app, and then pressed the shuffle button once he tapped his liked songs instead of his playlists.


Cassie arrived at her destination. She knew that it wasn't her first time going in here, but she was still amazed at the area. She recalled good memories with her family.

She looked around to find where Natasha could be. She was about to call Natasha to ask where exactly she was when she saw Natasha from the distance. She waited for the pedestrian to give her a go before she crossed the street.

"Nat!" she waved her right hand.

Natasha recognized that voice, so her attention went to the source and then beamed as soon as she saw who was it. "Cass!"

Cassie noticed that Natasha arrived first. "I hope I didn't make you wait for long."

Natasha shook her head. "No, not at all."

"Is that so?" Cassie was relieved. "Now that's over, shall we?"

Natasha got what Cassie meant. "We shall."

Cassie held the left hand of Natasha and then both of them walked together to the entrance of the Great Library.

"It's huge!" Natasha couldn't believe that there were a lot of shelves and books, and the size of the area itself was vast.

Cassie saw how astonished Natasha was. Based on Natasha's reaction, she assumed that Natasha hadn't been here before which kind of surprised her. But it was better to ask just to make sure.

"Is it your first time seeing this, Nat?" she asked.

Natasha nodded. "It is! I saw a couple of photos from the internet, newspapers, or magazines, but it's much better if you see it up close!"

"For real?" she couldn't believe that her assumption was correct. "I thought you came in here before since you're the one who suggested we go to a library."

Natasha giggled. "Believe me, I didn't. I wish we did come in here when we're still classmates, but it's better late than never, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah, it's better late than never."

"There's a lot of books and shelves here, so we should find a map of the area, right?" Natasha looked for the map.

"You don't need to do that," she kind of knew where she should go. "I have an idea where we should go."

Natasha didn't know the area, so she would trust Cassie about this. "If you say so."

Natasha would certainly return to the Great Library. She knew where to go, so she had no problem returning to the area. She wanted to read some educational books, cookbooks, or novels, but for now, she came with Cassie to help her in her research.

Cassie went to look around the social studies section to find a suitable book to assist her with her research. She chose three books that she thought would help her.

"I'll sit down there, Nat," Cassie pointed out where she would sit.

Natasha nodded. "All right, I'll follow after I choose."

She couldn't believe that Cassie already chose some books while she was still in the process of reading the contents of the book. She thought she wouldn't able to choose a book, but she did, so she went to sit beside Cassie, and then started to help Cassie with her research.